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Store mysql result in a bash array variable




I am trying to store MySQL result into a global bash array variable but I don't know how to do it.

Should I save the MySQL command result in a file and read the file line by line in my for loop for my other treatment?


user password
Pierre aaa
Paul bbb


$results = $( mysql –uroot –ppwd –se  « SELECT * from users );

I want that results contains the two rows.

like image 775
gsi Avatar asked Feb 08 '16 16:02


1 Answers

Mapfile for containing whole table into one bash variable

You could try this:

mapfile result < <(mysql –uroot –ppwd –se  "SELECT * from users;")


echo ${result[0]%$'\t'*}
echo ${result[0]#*$'\t'}


for row in "${result[@]}";do
    echo Name:  ${row%$'\t'*}  pass: ${row#*$'\t'}

Nota This will work fine while there is only 2 fields by row. More is possible but become tricky

Read for reading table row by row

while IFS=$'\t' read name pass ;do
    echo name:$name pass:$pass
  done  < <(mysql -uroot –ppwd –se  "SELECT * from users;")

Read and loop to hold whole table into many variables:

while IFS=$'\t' read name[i] pass[i++];do
    :;done  < <(mysql -uroot –ppwd –se  "SELECT * from users;")

echo ${name[0]} ${pass[0]}
echo ${name[1]} ${pass[1]}

New (feb 2018) shell connector

There is a little tool (on github) or on my own site: (shellConnector.sh you could use:

Some preparation:

cd /tmp/
wget -q http://f-hauri.ch/vrac/shell_connector.sh
. shell_connector.sh
newSqlConnector /usr/bin/mysql '–uroot –ppwd'

Following is just for demo, skip until test for quick run

Thats all. Now, creating temporary table for demo:

echo $SQLIN

cat >&3 <<eof
  id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
    name VARCHAR(30), date DATE)
myMysql myarray ';'
declare -p myarray
bash: declare: myarray: not found

The command myMysql myarray ';' will send ; then execute inline command, but as mysql wont anwer anything, variable $myarray wont exist.

cat >&3 <<eof
  INSERT INTO users VALUES (1,'alice','2015-06-09 22:15:01'),
       (2,'bob','2016-08-10 04:13:21'),(3,'charlie','2017-10-21 16:12:11')
myMysql myarray ';'
declare -p myarray
bash: declare: myarray: not found

Operational Test:

Ok, then now:

myMysql myarray "SELECT * from users;"
printf "%s\n" "${myarray[@]}"
1   alice   2015-06-09
2   bob     2016-08-10
3   charlie 2017-10-21

declare -p myarray
declare -a myarray=([0]=$'1\talice\t2015-06-09' [1]=$'2\tbob\t2016-08-10' [2]=$'3\tcharlie\t2017-10-21')

This tool are in early step of built... You have to manually clear your variable before re-using them:

unset myarray
myMysql myarray "SELECT name from users where id=2;"
echo $myarray

declare -p myarray
declare -a myarray=([0]="bob")
like image 178
F. Hauri Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

F. Hauri