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Store JSON data into a variable

I am new to AngularJS. I just want to load the JSON file data into a variable that is located in factory.

myApp.factory('quizFactory', function () {
    var questions = [
            "question":"What is the value of the 7 in the following number? 850,765",
            "options": ["70", "7", "7000", "700"],
            "answer": 3
            "question":"Is 7 & 9 even or odd?",
            "options": ["Even", "Odd", "Can't Say", "Dont know"],
            "answer": 1
            "question":"In the number 5,281,946 what is the value of the 3rd place?",
            "options": ["100", "10,000", "1,000,000", "1,000"],
            "answer": 0 
            "question":"Is 12 + 50 even or odd?",
            "options": ["Even", "Odd", "Can't Say", "Dont know"],
            "answer": 0 
            "question":"What does the 3 represent in the number below? 3051",
            "options": ["3", "30", "300", "3000"],
            "answer": 3 

    return {
        getQuestion: function(id) {
            if(id < questions.length) {
                return questions[id];
            } else {
                return false;

The above code is stored in app.js file and my JSON file is same as the above.


        "question":"What is the value of the 7 in the following number? 850,765",
        "options": ["70", "7", "7000", "700"],
        "answer": 3
        "question":"Is 7 & 9 even or odd?",
        "options": ["Even", "Odd", "Can't Say", "Dont know"],
        "answer": 1
        "question":"In the number 5,281,946 what is the value of the 3rd place?",
        "options": ["100", "10,000", "1,000,000", "1,000"],
        "answer": 0 
        "question":"Is 12 + 50 even or odd?",
        "options": ["Even", "Odd", "Can't Say", "Dont know"],
        "answer": 0 
        "question":"What does the 3 represent in the number below? 3051",
        "options": ["3", "30", "300", "3000"],
        "answer": 3 

I have tried this question too.

like image 602
Ramana Uday Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 11:10

Ramana Uday

1 Answers

You can use $http to read json file. E.g.

$http.get('someFile.json').success(function(data) {    
        questions = data;
like image 158
sol4me Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
