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Store a closure as a variable in Swift

People also ask

How do you return a value from a closure in Swift?

Instead, in the closure, take the return value that you want in the cell and store it somewhere (in a member variable) and have the tableView update it itself (e.g. with tableView. reloadData() ). This will cause it to get the cell again (cellForRow ...).

Is closure Value Type Swift?

In Swift, structs, enums and tuples are all value types, while classes and closures are reference types.

What is difference between closure and completion handler Swift?

As an example, many functions that start an asynchronous operation take a closure argument as a completion handler. The function returns after it starts the operation, but the closure isn't called until the operation is completed—the closure needs to escape, to be called later.

What is Clouser in Swift?

Advertisements. Closures in Swift 4 are similar to that of self-contained functions organized as blocks and called anywhere like C and Objective C languages. Constants and variable references defined inside the functions are captured and stored in closures.

The compiler complains on

var completionHandler: (Float)->Void = {}

because the right-hand side is not a closure of the appropriate signature, i.e. a closure taking a float argument. The following would assign a "do nothing" closure to the completion handler:

var completionHandler: (Float)->Void = {
    (arg: Float) -> Void in

and this can be shortened to

var completionHandler: (Float)->Void = { arg in }

due to the automatic type inference.

But what you probably want is that the completion handler is initialized to nil in the same way that an Objective-C instance variable is inititialized to nil. In Swift this can be realized with an optional:

var completionHandler: ((Float)->Void)?

Now the property is automatically initialized to nil ("no value"). In Swift you would use optional binding to check of a the completion handler has a value

if let handler = completionHandler {

or optional chaining:



@interface PopupView : UIView
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^onHideComplete)();

@interface PopupView ()


- (IBAction)hideButtonDidTouch:(id sender) {
    // Do something
    // Callback
    if (onHideComplete) onHideComplete ();


PopupView * popupView = [[PopupView alloc] init]
popupView.onHideComplete = ^() {


class PopupView: UIView {
    var onHideComplete: (() -> Void)?

    @IBAction func hideButtonDidTouch(sender: AnyObject) {
        // Do something
        // Callback
        if let callback = self.onHideComplete {
            callback ()

var popupView = PopupView ()
popupView.onHideComplete = {
    () -> Void in 

I've provide an example not sure if this is what you're after.

var completionHandler: (_ value: Float) -> ()

func printFloat(value: Float) {

completionHandler = printFloat


It simply prints 5 using the completionHandler variable declared.

Closures can be declared as typealias as below

typealias Completion = (Bool, Any, Error) -> Void

If you want to use in your function anywhere in code; you can write like normal variable

func xyz(with param1: String, completion: Completion) {

In Swift 4 and 5. I created a closure variable containing two parameter dictionary and bool.

 var completionHandler:([String:Any], Bool)->Void = { dict, success  in
    if success {

Calling the closure variable

self.completionHandler(["name":"Gurjinder singh"],true)