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Hide password with "•••••••" in a textField

People also ask

How do I hide password characters in TextField?

<input type = "password" > Thus the entered characters are masked or hidden. To make a textbox that can hide the entered characters, the type attribute of <input> element should be set to "password."

How do I hide my password in react?

To show or hide the password in the input field in Reactjs, the basic idea is to change the input tag's type attribute to text from password and vice versa on clicking the "Show password" button or an appropriate button of your own.

You can achieve this directly in Xcode:

enter image description here

The very last checkbox, make sure secure is checked .

Or you can do it using code:

Identifies whether the text object should hide the text being entered.


optional var secureTextEntry: Bool { get set }


This property is set to false by default. Setting this property to true creates a password-style text object, which hides the text being entered.


texfield.secureTextEntry = true

in Swift 3.0 or Later

passwordTextField.isSecureTextEntry = true

Swift 4 and Xcode Version 9+

Can be set via "Secure Text Entry" via Interface Builder

Secure Text Entry checked via storyboard screenshot

In XCode 6.3.1, if you use a NSTextField you will not see the checkbox for secure.

Instead of using NSTextField use NSSecureTextField


I'm guessing this is a Swift/Objective-C change since there is now a class for secure text fields. In the above link it says Available in OS X v10.0 and later. If you know more about when/why/what versions of Swift/Objective-C, XCode, or OS X this