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Swift make method parameter mutable?

How can I deal with this error without creating additional variable?

func reduceToZero(x:Int) -> Int {
    while (x != 0) {
        x = x-1            // ERROR: cannot assign to 'let' value 'x'
    return x

I don't want to create additional variable just to store the value of x. Is it even possible to do what I want?

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Gabriel Avatar asked Jun 06 '14 08:06


6 Answers

As stated in other answers, as of Swift 3 placing var before a variable has been deprecated. Though not stated in other answers is the ability to declare an inout parameter. Think: passing in a pointer.

func reduceToZero(_ x: inout Int) {
    while (x != 0) {
        x = x-1     

var a = 3
print(a) // will print '0'

This can be particularly useful in recursion.

Apple's inout declaration guidelines can be found here.

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achi Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10


'var' parameters are deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3. So assigning to a new parameter seems like the best way now:

func reduceToZero(x:Int) -> Int {
    var x = x
    while (x != 0) {
        x = x-1            
    return x

as mentioned here: 'var' parameters are deprecated and will be removed in Swift 3

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GeRyCh Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10


For Swift 1 and 2 (for Swift 3 see answer by achi using an inout parameter): Argument of a function in Swift is let by default so change it to var if you need to alter the value i.e,

func reduceToZero(var x:Int) -> Int {
    while (x != 0) {
        x = x-1     
    return x
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LML Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10


Swift3 answer for passing mutable array pointer.


func foo(array: inout Array<Int>) {

Call to function:

var a = Array<Int>()
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joshd Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10


In Swift you just add the var keyword before the variable name in the function declaration:

func reduceToZero(var x:Int) -> Int { // notice the "var" keyword
    while (x != 0) {
        x = x-1            
    return x

Refer to the subsection "Constant and Variable Parameters" in the "Functions" chapter of the Swift book (page 210 of the iBook as it is today).

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DK_ Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10


There are some cases where we dont ned to use inout

We can use something like this if you want that changes/scope to be only inside the function:

func manipulateData(a: Int) -> Int {
    var a = a
    // ...
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dheeru Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10
