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Stop Training in Keras when Accuracy is already 1.0

How will I stop Keras Training when the accuracy already reached 1.0? I tried monitoring loss value, but I haven't tried stopping the training when the accuracy is already 1.

I tried the code below with no luck:

stopping_criterions =[
    EarlyStopping(monitor='loss', min_delta=0, patience = 1000),
    EarlyStopping(monitor='acc', base_line=1.0, patience =0)


model.compile(Adam(), loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) 
model.fit(scaled_train_samples, train_labels, batch_size=1000, epochs=1000000, callbacks=[stopping_criterions], shuffle = True, verbose=2)


The training immediately stops at first epoch, even if the accuracy is still not 1.0.

enter image description here

Please help.

like image 588
alyssaeliyah Avatar asked Nov 27 '18 12:11


People also ask

At what level of accuracy can you stop training the machine?

Therefore, the epoch when the validation error starts to increase is precisely when the model is overfitting to the training set and does not generalize new data correctly. This is when we need to stop our training.

How do I stop model training keras?

You can use model. stop_training parameter to stop the training.

When should you stop training?

Stop training when the validation error is the minimum. This means that the nnet can generalise to unseen data. If you stop training when the training error is minimum then you will have over fitted and the nnet cannot generalise to unseen data.

How do you apply early stopping in training?

There are three elements to using early stopping; they are: Monitoring model performance. Trigger to stop training. The choice of model to use.

1 Answers

Update: tested in keras 2.4.3 (Dec.2020)

I don't know why EarlyStopping does not work in this case. Instead, I defined a custom callback that stops training when acc (or val_acc) reaches a specified baseline:

from keras.callbacks import Callback

class TerminateOnBaseline(Callback):
    """Callback that terminates training when either acc or val_acc reaches a specified baseline
    def __init__(self, monitor='accuracy', baseline=0.9):
        super(TerminateOnBaseline, self).__init__()
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.baseline = baseline

    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        logs = logs or {}
        acc = logs.get(self.monitor)
        if acc is not None:
            if acc >= self.baseline:
                print('Epoch %d: Reached baseline, terminating training' % (epoch))
                self.model.stop_training = True

You can use it like this:

callbacks = [TerminateOnBaseline(monitor='accuracy', baseline=0.8)]
callbacks = [TerminateOnBaseline(monitor='val_accuracy', baseline=0.95)]

Note: This solution does not work.

If you want to stop training when the training (or validation) accuracy exactly reaches 100%, then use EarlyStopping callback and set the baseline argument to 1.0 and patience to zero:

EarlyStopping(monitor='acc', baseline=1.0, patience=0)  # use 'val_acc' instead to monitor validation accuarcy
like image 106
today Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
