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Stop jQuery .load response from being cached

You have to use a more complex function like $.ajax() if you want to control caching on a per-request basis. Or, if you just want to turn it off for everything, put this at the top of your script:

$.ajaxSetup ({
    // Disable caching of AJAX responses
    cache: false

Here is an example of how to control caching on a per-request basis

    url: "/YourController",
    cache: false,
    dataType: "html",
    success: function(data) {

One way is to add a unique number to the end of the url:

$('#inquiry').load('/portal/?f=searchBilling&pid=' + $('#query').val()+'&uid='+uniqueId());

Where you write uniqueId() to return something different each time it's called.

Another approach to put the below line only when require to get data from server,Append the below line along with your ajax url.


 * Use this function as jQuery "load" to disable request caching in IE
 * Example: $('selector').loadWithoutCache('url', function(){ //success function callback... });
$.fn.loadWithoutCache = function (){
 var elem = $(this);
 var func = arguments[1];
     url: arguments[0],
     cache: false,
     dataType: "html",
     success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
   if(func != undefined){
    func(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest);
 return elem;

Sasha is good idea, i use a mix.

I create a function

LoadWithoutCache: function (url, source) {
        url: url,
        cache: false,
        dataType: "html",
        success: function (data) {
            $("#" + source).html(data);
            return false;

And invoke for diferents parts of my page for example on init:

Init: function (actionUrl1, actionUrl2, actionUrl3) {

var ExampleJS= {

Init: function (actionUrl1, actionUrl2, actionUrl3)           ExampleJS.LoadWithoutCache(actionUrl1, "div1");

ExampleJS.LoadWithoutCache(actionUrl2, "div2"); ExampleJS.LoadWithoutCache(actionUrl3, "div3"); } },