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std::string::reserve and end-of-string 0

When pre-allocating using std::string::reserve do I have to add one for the terminating 0 explicitly in order to avoid re-allocation and subsequent copying?

For example, knowing that the string "Hello" of length 5 will be stored in std::string str, do I have to call str.reserve(6)?

If I read the standard correctly, then I think the answer should be yes. For reserve it says

After reserve(), capacity() is greater or equal to the argument of reserve.

and for capacity in turn it states

Returns: The size of the allocated storage in the string.

I'm not to familiar with the subtleties of the formulations in the standard, though, and I wanted to confirm my suspicion.

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Xlea Avatar asked May 07 '15 20:05


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1 Answers

Returns: The size of the allocated storage in the string.

Allocated storage in the string that statement mean that string should fit in allocated space. "String" mean "zero-terminated group of char", so zero also should be included.

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Tomasz Pluta Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10

Tomasz Pluta