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`stdin` and `stdout` handle

I am testing a program. Specifically, I am testing a function in isolation. It requires a handle that can be both read and wrote. The problem is, stdin or stdout alone can't do the job. I don't want to rewrite my code just because of such a test, nor do I want to have to open up a socket just for a test either. Also, the program isn't usable yet (have the functions are undefined) so I can't just test it by running it.

What is a handle that gets it input from stdin and output from stdout in haskell.

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PyRulez Avatar asked Apr 05 '14 01:04


People also ask

What is the file handle of stdin?

At the file descriptor level, stdin is defined to be file descriptor 0, stdout is defined to be file descriptor 1; and stderr is defined to be file descriptor 2.

What's the difference between stdin and stdout?

stdin − It stands for standard input, and is used for taking text as an input. stdout − It stands for standard output, and is used to text output of any command you type in the terminal, and then that output is stored in the stdout stream.

What is stdin and stdout in C?

Variable: FILE * stdin. The standard input stream, which is the normal source of input for the program. Variable: FILE * stdout. The standard output stream, which is used for normal output from the program.

What are stdin and stdout of the new process?

stdin / stdout are logical names for open files that are forwarded (or initialized) by the process that has started a given process. Actually, with the standard fork-and-exec pattern the setup of those may occur already in the new process (after fork) before exec is being called.

1 Answers

One simple way to do this is to use a Pipe to abstract out reads and writes to handles. One type you can use is:

example :: Monad m => Pipe String String m ()

For example, let's say that your original code looked something like this:

original :: IO ()
original = do
    str1 <- getLine
    str2 <- getLine
    putStrLn (str1 ++ str2)

The new pipes version would look like this:

import Pipes

example :: Monad m => Pipe String String m ()
example = do
    str1 <- await
    str2 <- await
    yield (str1 ++ str2)

Then, you can test it purely like this:

>>> import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes
>>> Pipes.toList (each ["Hello, ", "world!"] >-> example)
["Hello, world!"]

... or you can test it with real input and output:

>>> runEffect $ Pipes.stdinLn >-> example >-> Pipes.stdoutLn
Hello, <Enter>
Hello, world!

This lets you keep your main logic pure, and then choose whether or not to run it purely or impurely.

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Gabriella Gonzalez Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

Gabriella Gonzalez