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StatsD and Graphite-like tools for .Net and Windows [closed]


I was recently sent this link to Statsd which would be an interesting tool for us to monitor various aspects of our product, but it would be a hard-sell for us because of the PHP and non-Windows toolset. (This question asks about installing this on Windows, without an answer...)

Can anyone recommend Windows / .Net toolsets that might provide similar low-overhead monitoring of systems? Within reason, paying for a toolset should not be a problem.

I did find this microsoft page that looks quite interesting, but let's be honest, it does not have as many cool graphs that show the kind of thing that would be nice to have as an end-result :)

Your experiences and thoughts on direction would be appreciated: I think our ultimate goal would be 'wall-boards' e.g. large screens cycling through several key graphs or views so the whole team could understand and monitor some key metrics of the products we are supporting. Our client uses SQL Server Reporting Services for this, but their reports seem to be mostly statistical and very little graphical.

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Nij Avatar asked May 12 '11 21:05


2 Answers

I've ported Graphite to Windows. It was pretty easy to do this. I've issued a pull request to the main project. I hope it will get merged. Until then, you find the fork under:


Graphite installation requires some additional steps I published here:


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Stephan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10


Why not run Graphite in a Linux VM on top of a windows server? You get the full support of the graphite community, while being completely hosted on windows.

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Nathan Garabedian Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

Nathan Garabedian