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HTTP request cost vs. page size cost?


I know it's a good practice to minimize the number of requests each page needs. For example, combining javascript files and using css sprites will greatly reduce the number of requests needed to render your page.

Another approach I've seen is to keep javascript embedded in the page itself, especially for javascript specific to that page and not really shared across other pages.

But my question is this:

At what point does my javascript grow too large that it becomes more efficient to pull the script into a separate file and allow the additional request for the separate js file?

In other words, how do I measure how much bytes equates to the cost of one request?

Since successive requests are cached, the only cost of calling that same js file is the cost of the request. Whereas keeping the js in the page will always incur the cost of additional page size, but will not incur the cost of an additional request.

Of course, I know several factors go into this: speed of the client, bandwidth speed, latency. But there has to be a turning point to where it makes more sense to do one over the other.

Or, is bandwidth so cheap (speed, not money) these days that it requires many more bytes than it used to in order to exceed the cost of a request? It seems to be the trend that page size is become less of a factor, while the cost of a request has plateaued.


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Jerad Rose Avatar asked May 13 '11 03:05

Jerad Rose

1 Answers

If you just look at the numbers and assume an average round-trip time for a request of 100 ms and an average connection speed of 5 Mbps, you can arrive at a number which says that up to 62.5 KB can be added to a page before breaking it out to a separate file becomes worthwhile. Assuming that gzip compression is enabled on your server, then the real amount of JavaScript that you can add is even larger still.

But, this number ignores a number of important considerations. For instance, if you move your JavaScript to a separate file, the user's browser can cache it more effectively such that a user that hits your page 100 times might only download the JavaScript file once. If you don't do this, and assuming that your webpage has any dynamic content whatsoever, then the same user would have to download the entire script every single time.

Another issue to consider is the maintainability of the page. As a general rule, the more JavaScript you add, the more difficult it becomes to maintain your page and make changes and updates without introducing bugs and other problems. So even if you don't have quite 62.5 KB of JavaScript and even if you don't care about the caching side of things, you have to ask yourself whether or not having a separate JavaScript file would improve maintainability and if so, whether it's worth sacrificing that maintainability for a slightly faster page load.

So there really isn't an exact answer here, but as a general rule I think that if the JavaScript is stuff that is truly intrinsic to the page (onclick handlers, effects/animations, other things that interface directly with elements on the page) then it belongs with the page. But if you have a bunch of other code that your handlers, effects, and other things use more like a library/helper utility, then that code can be moved to a separate file. Favor maintainability of your code over both page size and load times. That's my recommendation, anyways.

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aroth Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
