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Static variables in member functions





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Can member functions access static variables?

A static member function can only access static data member, other static member functions and any other functions from outside the class. Static member functions have a class scope and they do not have access to the this pointer of the class.

What are static member variables and functions?

The static member functions are special functions used to access the static data members or other static member functions. A member function is defined using the static keyword. A static member function shares the single copy of the member function to any number of the class' objects.

What does static member variable mean?

Static members are data members (variables) or methods that belong to a static or a non static class itself, rather than to objects of the class. Static members always remain the same, regardless of where and how they are used.

Are static functions member functions?

Static Function: It is a member function that is used to access only static data members. It cannot access non-static data members not even call non-static member functions.

Since class A is a non-template class and A::foo() is a non-template function. There will be only one copy of static int i inside the program.

Any instance of A object will affect the same i and lifetime of i will remain through out the program. To add an example:

A o1, o2, o3;
o1.foo(); // i = 1
o2.foo(); // i = 2
o3.foo(); // i = 3
o1.foo(); // i = 4

The keyword static unfortunately has a few different unrelated meanings in C++

  1. When used for data members it means that the data is allocated in the class and not in instances.

  2. When used for data inside a function it means that the data is allocated statically, initialized the first time the block is entered and lasts until the program quits. Also the variable is visible only inside the function. This special feature of local statics is often used to implement lazy construction of singletons.

  3. When used at a compilation unit level (module) it means that the variable is like a global (i.e. allocated and initialized before main is run and destroyed after main exits) but that the variable will not be accessible or visible in other compilation units.

I added some emphasis on the part that is most important for each use. Use (3) is somewhat discouraged in favor of unnamed namespaces that also allows for un-exported class declarations.

In your code the static keyword is used with the meaning number 2 and has nothing to do with classes or instances... it's a variable of the function and there will be only one copy of it.

As correctly iammilind said however there could have been multiple instances of that variable if the function was a template function (because in that case indeed the function itself can be present in many different copies in the program). Even in that case of course classes and instances are irrelevant... see following example:

#include <stdio.h>

template<int num>
void bar()
    static int baz;
    printf("bar<%i>::baz = %i\n", num, baz++);

int main()
    bar<1>(); // Output will be 0
    bar<2>(); // Output will be 0
    bar<3>(); // Output will be 0
    bar<1>(); // Output will be 1
    bar<2>(); // Output will be 1
    bar<3>(); // Output will be 1
    bar<1>(); // Output will be 2
    bar<2>(); // Output will be 2
    bar<3>(); // Output will be 2
    return 0;

Static variables inside functions

  • Static variable is created inside a function is stored on program’s static memory not on the stack.

  • Static variable initialization will be done on the first call of the function.

  • Static variable will retain the value in multiple function calls

  • Lifetime of the static variable is Program

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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class CVariableTesting 
    void FuncWithStaticVariable();
    void FuncWithAutoVariable();


void CVariableTesting::FuncWithStaticVariable()
    static int staticVar = 0; //staticVar is initialised by 0 the first time
    cout<<"Variable Value : "<<staticVar<<endl;
void CVariableTesting::FuncWithAutoVariable()
    int autoVar = 0;
    cout<<"Variable Value : "<<autoVar<<endl;

int main()
    CVariableTesting objCVariableTesting;
    cout<<"Static Variable";
    cout<<"Auto Variable";
    return 0;

Output :

Static Variable

Variable Value : 0
Variable Value : 1
Variable Value : 2
Variable Value : 3
Variable Value : 4

Auto Variable

Variable Value : 0
Variable Value : 0
Variable Value : 0
Variable Value : 0
Variable Value : 0