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state with 2 dimentional array

I want to have a 2 dimensional array for the state. Once a user clicks on a touch area. It will update a value in this 2 dimensional array. For some reason, I got error with my code. The following are the constructor and the onPress function

export default class App extends Component<Props> {
      this.state = {
        test: 'U',
        array: [

    onPress = (row,colum) => {
        array[row][colum]: this.test

    render() {
      return (
          <View style={styles.middleWrapper}>
            <TouchableOpacity style={[styles.child]} onPress={this.onPress(1,0)}><Text>  {this.state.array[1][0]}</Text></TouchableOpacity>

It seems the onPress method is not right. But I do not know what is not right. Please help. Thanks.


Update 1:


get the error:

\node_modules\react-native\scripts\App.js: Unexpected token, expected "," (38:11)

  36 |   onPress = (row, column) => () => {
  37 |     this.setState({
> 38 |       array[row][colum]: this.test
     |            ^
  39 |     })
  40 |   }
  41 |
like image 576
Denvi Avatar asked Jan 27 '23 02:01


1 Answers

The Unexpected token syntax error is from the object in your setState call. The key needs to be wrapped in another set of square brackets:

    [array[row][column]]: this.test 

This doesn't solve the problem, though.

// Create a copy of the state array so that you don't mutate state.
const array = [...this.state.array];

// Update the copy with the new value.
array[row][column] = this.test;

// Replace the state array with the new copy.
this.setState({ array });
like image 124
Dov Rine Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 05:02

Dov Rine