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Discord Bot to trigger other bots actions

I want to make use of other bots by triggering their actions via my own bot.

Basicly somthing like : !dothis .. which triggers my own bot command , then my bot outputs a message like !dothat .. which is command for another bot.

Now I realized most bots dont react on bot messages for this. Is there a way to achive this?

The Idea is behind this is, that there are a lot of bots with cool functions ... So I dont have to neccecarly code up everything & instead make use of them by have another bot trigger their actions automatically .. instead of having to type ...

like image 366
balui Avatar asked Jan 27 '23 03:01


1 Answers

This is not possible with most bots. It is very common practice to have your bot ignore other bots' messages. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to get around this.

like image 76
Adam Kerik Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 04:02

Adam Kerik