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Start oracle dequeue on startup

I got the following error of Oracle,

ORA-25226: dequeue failed, queue string.string is not enabled for dequeue

And the following is the Cause and Action for it from the official document:

Cause: The queue has not been enabled for dequeue.
Action: Enable the queue using START_QUEUE.

But this error occurs every time when restart the database, is there any configuration to set to start the dequeue on database startup?


like image 491
Geln Yang Avatar asked Mar 30 '10 02:03

Geln Yang

1 Answers

What is the status of the queue in dba_queues

select owner,name,enqueue_enabled,dequeue_enabled from dba_queues;

If the queue is disabled, then start it with

 dbms_aqadm.start_queue(queue_name => '<OWNER.QUEUE_NAME>');
end; /

I believe this should persist across restarts, I haven't tested though.

like image 52
Matthew Watson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Matthew Watson