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Start animation when scrolled to

I have spend all day looking for an easy way to make my animation start after I have scrolled to a specific place on the page.

My css

.animation {
 width: 50%; 
 float: left; 
 position: relative; 
 -webkit-animation-name: test; 
 -webkit-animation-duration: 4s; 
 -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 3;
 -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards; 
 animation-name: test; 
 animation-duration: 4s; 
 animation-iteration-count: 1; 
 animation-fill-mode: forwards; }

And my HTML

<div class="container">

<div class="animation">

Content goes here...



I wonder how to make the animation start when I scroll to the class container.

like image 519
WeBWeB Avatar asked Jun 12 '15 11:06


People also ask

How do I trigger a CSS animation without scrolling JavaScript?

Can I trigger CSS animations on scroll without Javascript? The short answer is NO. Window scrolling is an event and CSS itself is not capable of detecting event changes as of now. So we must use javascript to measure the scroll and trigger something to which CSS can react.

How do I add animation to scroll on my website?

Slide Animation Effect Add the Effect if you want your element to move gradually from one point to another in a particular direction on page loading or scrolling. Specify the Slide Effect by adding, choosing an Element, and then clicking the Slide Preset in the Animation On Scroll section of the Property Panel.

2 Answers


var $window = $(window);
var $elem = $(".animation")

function isScrolledIntoView($elem, $window) {
    var docViewTop = $window.scrollTop();
    var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $window.height();

    var elemTop = $elem.offset().top;
    var elemBottom = elemTop + $elem.height();

    return ((elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop));
$(document).on("scroll", function () {
    if (isScrolledIntoView($elem, $window)) {


<div class="container">
    <div class="animation">Content goes here...</div>


.animation.animate {
    animation: pulse 5s infinite;//change this to whatever you want

JSFiddle to play with (don't forget to scroll)

like image 145
Bobby Tables Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10

Bobby Tables

@WebWeb , you can try this simple formula :

$(window).on('scroll' , function(){
    scroll_pos = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
    element_pos = $(yourelement).offset().top + $(yourelement).height() ;
    if (scroll_pos > element_pos) {


It is basically checking if the windows scroll position is higher than that of the elements offset from the top of the document(plus the element's height) . It is an age-old formula.


If you are lazy like me though, you can go for waypoints.js an amazing library.

like image 30
Alexander Solonik Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10

Alexander Solonik