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Stanford nlp for python

All I want to do is find the sentiment (positive/negative/neutral) of any given string. On researching I came across Stanford NLP. But sadly its in Java. Any ideas on how can I make it work for python?

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90abyss Avatar asked Oct 01 '15 04:10


People also ask

How do I use Stanford NLP in Python?

You need to download and extract all the necessary Stanford NLP tools. In Windows / Mac: Download and unzip the parser from http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/lex-parser.shtml#Download. Download and unizp the FULL VERSION tagger from http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tagger.shtml#Download.

What is Stanford NLP?

The Stanford NLP Group The Natural Language Processing Group at Stanford University is a team of faculty, postdocs, programmers and students who work together on algorithms that allow computers to process, generate, and understand human languages.

Which option can be used for native Python implementation of NLP tools from Stanford?

So, it confirms that Stanza is the full python version of stanford NLP. As of 2020 this is the best answer to this question, as Stanza is native python, so no need to run the Java package. Available through pip or conda.

4 Answers

Use py-corenlp

Download Stanford CoreNLP

The latest version at this time (2020-05-25) is 4.0.0:

wget https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-corenlp-4.0.0.zip https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-corenlp-4.0.0-models-english.jar

If you do not have wget, you probably have curl:

curl https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-corenlp-4.0.0.zip -O https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-corenlp-4.0.0-models-english.jar -O

If all else fails, use the browser ;-)

Install the package

unzip stanford-corenlp-4.0.0.zip
mv stanford-corenlp-4.0.0-models-english.jar stanford-corenlp-4.0.0

Start the server

cd stanford-corenlp-4.0.0
java -mx5g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -timeout 10000


  1. timeout is in milliseconds, I set it to 10 sec above. You should increase it if you pass huge blobs to the server.
  2. There are more options, you can list them with --help.
  3. -mx5g should allocate enough memory, but YMMV and you may need to modify the option if your box is underpowered.

Install the python package

The standard package

pip install pycorenlp

does not work with Python 3.9, so you need to do

pip install git+https://github.com/sam-s/py-corenlp.git

(See also the official list).

Use it

from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP

nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost:9000')
res = nlp.annotate("I love you. I hate him. You are nice. He is dumb",
                       'annotators': 'sentiment',
                       'outputFormat': 'json',
                       'timeout': 1000,
for s in res["sentences"]:
    print("%d: '%s': %s %s" % (
        " ".join([t["word"] for t in s["tokens"]]),
        s["sentimentValue"], s["sentiment"]))

and you will get:

0: 'I love you .': 3 Positive
1: 'I hate him .': 1 Negative
2: 'You are nice .': 3 Positive
3: 'He is dumb': 1 Negative


  1. You pass the whole text to the server and it splits it into sentences. It also splits sentences into tokens.
  2. The sentiment is ascribed to each sentence, not the whole text. The mean sentimentValue across sentences can be used to estimate the sentiment of the whole text.
  3. The average sentiment of a sentence is between Neutral (2) and Negative (1), the range is from VeryNegative (0) to VeryPositive (4) which appear to be quite rare.
  4. You can stop the server either by typing Ctrl-C at the terminal you started it from or using the shell command kill $(lsof -ti tcp:9000). 9000 is the default port, you can change it using the -port option when starting the server.
  5. Increase timeout (in milliseconds) in server or client if you get timeout errors.
  6. sentiment is just one annotator, there are many more, and you can request several, separating them by comma: 'annotators': 'sentiment,lemma'.
  7. Beware that the sentiment model is somewhat idiosyncratic (e.g., the result is different depending on whether you mention David or Bill).

PS. I cannot believe that I added a 9th answer, but, I guess, I had to, since none of the existing answers helped me (some of the 8 previous answers have now been deleted, some others have been converted to comments).

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sds Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10


Native Python implementation of NLP tools from Stanford

Recently Stanford has released a new Python packaged implementing neural network (NN) based algorithms for the most important NLP tasks:

  • tokenization
  • multi-word token (MWT) expansion
  • lemmatization
  • part-of-speech (POS) and morphological features tagging
  • dependency parsing

It is implemented in Python and uses PyTorch as the NN library. The package contains accurate models for more than 50 languages.

To install you can use PIP:

pip install stanfordnlp

To perform basic tasks you can use native Python interface with many NLP algorithms:

import stanfordnlp

stanfordnlp.download('en')   # This downloads the English models for the neural pipeline
nlp = stanfordnlp.Pipeline() # This sets up a default neural pipeline in English
doc = nlp("Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.  He was elected president in 2008.")


So far, the library does not support sentiment analysis, yet I'm not deleting the answer, since it directly answers the "Stanford nlp for python" part of the question.

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Aleksander Pohl Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10

Aleksander Pohl

Right now they have STANZA.


Release History Note that prior to version 1.0.0, the Stanza library was named as “StanfordNLP”. To install historical versions prior to to v1.0.0, you’ll need to run pip install stanfordnlp.

So, it confirms that Stanza is the full python version of stanford NLP.

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Syauqi Haris Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Syauqi Haris

Textblob is a great package for sentimental analysis written in Python. You can have the docs here . Sentimental analysis of any given sentence is carried out by inspecting words and their corresponding emotional score (sentiment). You can start with

$ pip install -U textblob
$ python -m textblob.download_corpora

First pip install command will give you latest version of textblob installed in your (virtualenv) system since you pass -U will upgrade the pip package its latest available version . And the next will download all the data required, thecorpus .

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cutteeth Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
