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Stack Overflow in Delphi

I am posting my Stack Overflow problem on StackOverflow.com. Irony at its best!

Anyways. I am calling this procedure on my SkypeReply event handler, which gets fired a lot:

  Procedure OnCategoryRename;
    CategoryID : Integer;
    sCtgName : String;
    if (AnsiContainsStr(pCommand.Reply,'GROUP')) and (AnsiContainsStr(pCommand.Reply,'DISPLAYNAME')) then
         sCtgName := pCommand.Reply;
         CategoryID := StrToInt(Trim(LeftStr(sCtgName,Pos(' ',sCtgName))));
         sCtgName := GetCategoryByID(CategoryID).DisplayName; // Removing THIS line does not produce a Stack Overflow!

The idea of this is to loop thru my list of Skype Groups, to see what group has been renamed. AFAIK thats of no importance, as my S.O has been traced to appear here

Function GetCategoryByID(ID : Integer):IGroup;
  I : Integer;
  Category : IGroup;
  // Make the default result nil
  Result := nil;

  // Loop thru the CUSTOM CATEGORIES of the ONLY SKYPE CONTROL used in this project
  // (which 100% positive IS attached ;) )
  for I := 1 to frmMain.Skype.CustomGroups.Count do
      // The Category Variable
      Category := frmMain.Skype.CustomGroups.Item[I];
      // If the current category ID returned by the loop matches the passed ID
      if Category.Id = ID then
          // Return the Category as Result (IGroup)
          Result := Category;
          // Exit the function.

When I set a breakpoint at Result := Category; and Single Step thru, those 2 lines get executed over and over, right after each other!

And when I comment out the sCtgName := GetCategoryByID(CategoryID).DisplayName; in the first code snippet, there is no Overflow, the message gets shown that one time it is supposed to. However, the GetCategoryByID is a function I wrote, and I wrote one similar, too, which works just fine (GetCategoryByName), so I don't get why it decided to repeat the

// Return the Category as Result (IGroup)
Result := Category;
// Exit the function.

over and over again.

EDIT: Here is how you can reproduce it: https://gist.github.com/813389

EDIT: Here is my CallStack, as requested: CallStack

Edit2: More info: More Info

like image 417
Jeff Avatar asked Feb 05 '11 20:02


People also ask

How do I fix stack overflow error in Delphi?

There's your stack overflow. You can reduce the stack use by passing the TRawInts array by reference instead. Then the function won't make its own copy. Zdravko's answer suggests using var , but since the function has no need to modify the passed-in array, you should use const instead.

What is stack overflow with example?

What is stack overflow? A stack overflow is a type of buffer overflow error that occurs when a computer program tries to use more memory space in the call stack than has been allocated to that stack.

What is stack overflow used for?

Stack Overflow is a question and answer website for professional and enthusiast programmers. It is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange Network. It was created in 2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. It features questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming.

1 Answers

Make sure to compile your project with "optimization" off, "stack frames" on and "use debug .dcu" on to get the most detailed callstack possible. Then post the callstack you get when you hit the stack overflow here (if you have trouble identifying the nature of the problem from it).

like image 182
Thorsten Engler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Thorsten Engler