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SSIS Package: convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types

I am connecting to an Oracle DB and the connection works, but I get the following error for some of the columns:

Description: Column "RESOURCE_NAME" cannot convert between unicode 
and non-unicode string data types.


  • For Oracle: VARCHAR2(200 BYTE)
  • For SQL Server: VARCHAR(200 BYTE)

I can connect to the Oracle DB via Oracle SQL Developer without any issues. Also, I have the SSIS package setting Run64BitRuntime = False.

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Jeremy F. Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 19:07

Jeremy F.

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4 Answers

The Oracle data type VARCHAR2 appears to be equivalent to NVARCHAR in SQL Server, or DT_WSTR in SSIS. Reference

You will have to convert using the Data Conversion Transformation, or CAST or CONVERT functions in SQL Server.

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Mike Henderson Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 01:12

Mike Henderson

If the package works in one machine and doesn't in other; Try setting the NLS_LANG to right language, territory and character set and test the package.

[Command Prompt]> set NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
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Jay Akhawri Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 01:12

Jay Akhawri

The easiest way around this to to open the SSIS package in notepad (the dtsx file) and do a global find and replace of all instances of validateExternalMetadata="True" with validateExternalMetadata="False".

note: we encountered this issue when connecting to an Oracle 11g database on Linux through SSIS.

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rip747 Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 00:12


on oledb source ->advanced editor options->input/output columns->output columns->select RESOURCE_NAME column and change Data type as DT_WSTR and length also u can change as required

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USER9999 Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 01:12
