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Retrieve different number of rows for each category from SQL Server table




I need to generate a list of addresses to which my client is going to send merchandise catalogs. They want to send a certain number of catalogs (X) to a particular zip code (Y) [This has to do with average income in those zip codes]

I have 2 tables in SQL Server 2008 R2: CatalogRequests and AddressList

CatalogRequests is a list of how many catalogs we should send to each zip code in our customer database:

|  Zip  |  QuantityRequested  |
| 12345 |         150         |
| 13445 |         800         |
| 45678 |         200         |
| 41871 |         350         |
| 77777 |         125         |

AddressList is just that, a list of addresses =)

|  Name  |     Address1    |  Address2  |      City     |  State  |  Zip  |
|  Bruce | 1 BatCave Dr    |            |  Gotham City  |   IL    | 12345 |
|  Clark | 9 Smallville St |   Apt A    |  Metropolis   |   NY    | 45678 |
|  Thor  | 5 Valhalla Way  |            |    Asgard     |   ??    | 77777 |

I racked my brain for a little while trying to do this with an SQL query, then gave up and wrote a small C# program to do what I needed to do (basically, generating a bunch of SQL queries - one for each record in CatalogRequests).

My question is, how could I have done this with one SQL query? I'm just curious at this point, it seems like there is a way to do it and I'm just missing something. Or might not be possible and I'm crazy =)

The result set would be records from AddressList that met the requirements in CatalogRequest (for example, 150 records with a zip code of 12345, 800 records with a zip code of 13445, etc).

like image 786
Josh Darnell Avatar asked Aug 11 '11 18:08

Josh Darnell

People also ask

How do you SELECT Top 10 records from each category in SQL?

Selecting a top n records for each category from any table, can be done easily using row_number function which generates a sequential integer to each row within a partition of a result set.

How do I get different rows in SQL?

Syntax - SELECT column1,column2, …, columnN FROM table_name; column1,column2 – Specifies the name of the columns used to fetch. table_name - Specifies the name of the table.

How do I count the number of rows per group in SQL?

To count the number of rows, use the id column which stores unique values (in our example we use COUNT(id) ). Next, use the GROUP BY clause to group records according to columns (the GROUP BY category above). After using GROUP BY to filter records with aggregate functions like COUNT, use the HAVING clause.

3 Answers

Hmm... What about something like this:

;with addressListWithID 
    SELECT name, address1, adress2, city, state, zip, 
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by zip   order by newid()) as Row
    FROM AddressList 
SELECT A.name, A.address1, A.adress2, A.city, A.state, A.zip
FROM addressListWithID A 
    INNER JOIN CatalogRequests C
        ON C.zip = A.zip 
            AND A.row <= C.QuantityRequested 

Random addresses in quantity requested.

like image 82
Code Magician Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10

Code Magician

Untested, because there is no DDL and no test data:

SELECT  A.name ,
        A.address1 ,
        A.adress2 ,
        A.city ,
        A.[state] ,
FROM    CatalogRequests AS C
        CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP ( C.QuantityRequested )
                                A.name ,
                                A.address1 ,
                                A.adress2 ,
                                A.city ,
                                A.[state] ,
                      FROM      addressListWithID AS A
                      WHERE     C.zip = A.zip
                    ) AS A
like image 37
A-K Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10


One method is to use dynamic SQL (which is dangerous and not to be taken lightly):

DECLARE @SQL varchar(max)

SET @SQL = 'USE Database'

            + QuantityRequired
            + ' * FROM AddressList WHERE Zip = '
            + Zip
            + ' UNION ALL'
FROM CatalogRequests

SET @SQL = LEFT(@SQL, (LEN(@SQL - 10))) -- remove last UNION ALL 


-- EXEC (@SQL)

Check the link for the canonical reference on Dynamic SQL.

like image 4
JNK Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10