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Square root function in F#



How can we find the square root of a number in F#? Do we have a Sqrt function in F# just like we have Math.Sqrt() function in Java? I am a beginner in F# and couldn't find any significant help on the internet.

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user2549169 Avatar asked Jul 04 '13 06:07


2 Answers

F# already has a sqrt function defined, so you should just be able to use:

sqrt x

where x is the value you wish to find the root of.

like image 152
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Jon Skeet

Yes, F# comes with a "sqrt" function. Called "sqrt" :)


Many more numerical libraries are available for F#, either open source (e.g. CodePlex) or from 3rd party vendors:


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paulsm4 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
