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Sqlplus login error when using bash variables: SP2-0306: Invalid option

I have a bash script that connects to an oracle 10g database.

In a first step it takes some variables from a "config" file with the following command

. /path/to/my/configfile.ini

In the config file there are some variables:

export USRID=myUser
export USRID_PASS=myPassword
export USR_PASS="$USRID/$USRID_PASS@myDatabase"

Then it actually connects through sqlplus using the command:

sqlplus -s $usr_pass

Terrible Security and Design issues aside (this script has been around for 5 years). This is actually doing its job in one of our UNIX servers, but not in another.

When I run the script with bash -x, I can see that the command expanded to:

sqlplus -s myUser/myPassword@myDatabase

...which should do fine (and is actually working in one server), but the response in the failing server is:

ERROR: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

SP2-0306: Invalid option. Usage: CONN[ECT] [logon] [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER}] where ::= [/][@] | SP2-0306: Invalid option.

I'm guessing it has to do more with bash than with oracle, but I'm no bash expert. Is there some configuration or detail I'm missing?


Trying to pin down the problem a bit more, I'm now running two versions of the script in a third development server, and in different tests, the login works if i do it with:

sqlplus -s $usrid/$usrid_pass@myDatabase

but not when i try:

sqlplus -s $usr_pass

So its a bit annoying.

Besides that, i'll have to check on te config file synchronization process... I'll let you know when i get to something new. Thanks everybody.

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rsinuhe Avatar asked Jan 19 '23 08:01


2 Answers

The message is pretty clear:

  • you've successfully contacted a database
  • the credentials supplied are wrong

This indicates there isn't really anything wrong with your client configuration.

So, that leaves you with

  • the user/pw combination is wrong
  • you've not contacted the database you think you have


  • Make sure you can connect with the credentials supplied from the command line.
  • Use tnsping mydatabase to check the host and instance you're contacting, verify it's correct. Output from this command should tell you the host, port, and instance/service you're connecting to. If it's wrong, check the tnsnames.ora file for this alias.
  • As @OMG Ponies suggests, if you're using 11g, make sure the case in your passwords is correct
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DCookie Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 09:01


This worked for me: connect user/"password" I think if the password contains special characters like '@' we need to use "" for the password.

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Darius Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 11:01
