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Sqlite on both Windows Phone 7.1 and Windows Phone 8

I'm developing an app for Windows Phone 7.1(7.5) - 8 (Must work for both) , in which database connectivity is required. This Application is already realized for Iphone and Android, so I have to use there Database file to the database structure was the same for all applications. Sqlite is used as the database . All Sqlite Clients for Windows Phone are out of date and not supported any more.

  • http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/silverlight/Windows-Phone-7-Native-Database-Programming-via-Sqlite-Client-for-Windows-Phone.aspx
  • http://wp7sqlite.codeplex.com/
  • http://www.wirebear.com/blog/2010/11/12/using-sqlite-in-your-wp7-app/
  • http://sqlitewindowsphone.codeplex.com/releases

Official client is only for windows phone 8 http://www.sqlite.org/download.html and is not working with windows phone 7.1

Will be really helpfull if someone can give me any suggestions what i can do with this situation.

  • develop only for Windows Phone 8 and use official Sqlite Client
  • use old libriaries for sqlite and try to work with them on windows phone 8
  • use SQL CE as the database

(PS. : The situation is further complicated by the fact that Windows RT is not support SQL CE and only Sqlite and it makes me crazy.)

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Vovich Avatar asked Nov 20 '12 13:11


1 Answers

I have used sqlite in my app for windows phone 7 as described in the dotnetslackers link and its working fine in WP 8 ( I tested in WP8 emulator).

I don't see any point for saying "All Sqlite Clients for Windows Phone are out of date and not supported any more". Did you try yourself ?

Also this link says "SQLite is now supported on Windows RT, Windows 8 Metro Apps and will be supported on Windows Phone 8 for local application storage."

And here is one more link, which I didn't test.

I suggest you to try the dotnetslackers link and post here if you face any problem. Good luck !!

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nkchandra Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 00:11
