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SQLite: How do I connect to an in-memory, shared cache database?

I'm trying out the in-memory shared cache feature of SQLite 3.7.13, via the ADO.NET provider. The following connect string works, but yields a non-shared-cache db:

Data Source=:memory:

When I try any of these:

Data Source=:memory:?cache=shared
Data Source=file::memory:?cache=shared
Data Source=file:x?mode=memory&cache=shared

I get the following ArgumentException when opening a connection:

Invalid ConnectionString format for parameter "Data Source"

What should the connect string look like for SQLite in-memory shared-cache databases?

like image 553
lesscode Avatar asked Aug 10 '12 03:08


1 Answers

It looks like although the shared cache feature was in SQLite, the latest ( version of System.Data.SQLite at the time didn't yet support the FullUri feature. Looks like the version works, and the connection string should be:

like image 86
lesscode Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09
