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SQLite database - select the data between two dates?





I want to select my data by date - from a date until another date, so I have this query,

SELECT * FROM mytalbe WHERE date BETWEEN '2014-10-09' AND '2014-10-10'

But this query only return the data in '2014-10-09', excluding the data in '2014-10-10', unless I change the query to this below,

SELECT * FROM mytalbe WHERE date BETWEEN '2014-10-09' AND '2014-10-11'

This is not an ideal solution. How can I select the data including the data in '2014-10-10'?


I think my problem is different from other duplicate questions becos,

  1. My date type is TEXT.
  2. I need to select the date's data without its time.
  3. It is an SQLite database.

My sample data:

    sid     nid timestamp   date    
1   20748   5   1412881193  2014-10-09 14:59:53 
2   20749   5   1412881300  2014-10-09 15:01:40 
3   20750   5   1412881360  2014-10-09 15:02:40
like image 539
Run Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 15:04


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1 Answers

IF date is a timestamp, you'll need to do like:

SELECT * FROM mytalbe WHERE date BETWEEN '2014-10-09 00:00:00' AND '2014-10-10 23:59:59'

Or you can do, I believe:

SELECT * FROM mytalbe WHERE DATE(date) BETWEEN '2014-10-09' AND '2014-10-10'

Or, since it is a text field:

SELECT * FROM mytalbe WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN '2014-10-09' AND '2014-10-10'
like image 53
dmgig Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
