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SQLAlchemy: engine, connection and session difference

People also ask

What is an Engine in SQLAlchemy?

The Engine is the starting point for any SQLAlchemy application. It's “home base” for the actual database and its DBAPI, delivered to the SQLAlchemy application through a connection pool and a Dialect , which describes how to talk to a specific kind of database/DBAPI combination.

What is Session in SQLAlchemy?

What does the Session do? One of the core concepts in SQLAlchemy is the Session . A Session establishes and maintains all conversations between your program and the databases. It represents an intermediary zone for all the Python model objects you have loaded in it.

Is SQLAlchemy Engine thread safe?

Every pool implementation in SQLAlchemy is thread safe, including the default QueuePool . This means that 2 threads requesting a connection simultaneously will checkout 2 different connections. By extension, an engine will also be thread-safe.

Does SQLAlchemy close connection automatically?

close() method is automatically invoked at the end of the block. The Connection , is a proxy object for an actual DBAPI connection. The DBAPI connection is retrieved from the connection pool at the point at which Connection is created.

A one-line overview:

The behavior of execute() is same in all the cases, but they are 3 different methods, in Engine, Connection, and Session classes.

What exactly is execute():

To understand behavior of execute() we need to look into the Executable class. Executable is a superclass for all “statement” types of objects, including select(), delete(),update(), insert(), text() - in simplest words possible, an Executable is a SQL expression construct supported in SQLAlchemy.

In all the cases the execute() method takes the SQL text or constructed SQL expression i.e. any of the variety of SQL expression constructs supported in SQLAlchemy and returns query results (a ResultProxy - Wraps a DB-API cursor object to provide easier access to row columns.)

To clarify it further (only for conceptual clarification, not a recommended approach):

In addition to Engine.execute() (connectionless execution), Connection.execute(), and Session.execute(), it is also possible to use the execute() directly on any Executable construct. The Executable class has it's own implementation of execute() - As per official documentation, one line description about what the execute() does is "Compile and execute this Executable". In this case we need to explicitly bind the Executable (SQL expression construct) with a Connection object or, Engine object (which implicitly get a Connection object), so the execute() will know where to execute the SQL.

The following example demonstrates it well - Given a table as below:

from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer

meta = MetaData()
users_table = Table('users', meta,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('name', String(50)))

Explicit execution i.e. Connection.execute() - passing the SQL text or constructed SQL expression to the execute() method of Connection:

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///file.db')
connection = engine.connect()
result = connection.execute(users_table.select())
for row in result:
    # ....

Explicit connectionless execution i.e. Engine.execute() - passing the SQL text or constructed SQL expression directly to the execute() method of Engine:

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///file.db')
result = engine.execute(users_table.select())
for row in result:
    # ....

Implicit execution i.e. Executable.execute() - is also connectionless, and calls the execute() method of the Executable, that is, it calls execute() method directly on the SQL expression construct (an instance of Executable) itself.

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///file.db')
meta.bind = engine
result = users_table.select().execute()
for row in result:
    # ....

Note: Stated the implicit execution example for the purpose of clarification - this way of execution is highly not recommended - as per docs:

“implicit execution” is a very old usage pattern that in most cases is more confusing than it is helpful, and its usage is discouraged. Both patterns seem to encourage the overuse of expedient “short cuts” in application design which lead to problems later on.

Your questions:

As I understand if someone use engine.execute it creates connection, opens session (Alchemy cares about it for you) and executes query.

You're right for the part "if someone use engine.execute it creates connection " but not for "opens session (Alchemy cares about it for you) and executes query " - Using Engine.execute() and Connection.execute() is (almost) one the same thing, in formal, Connection object gets created implicitly, and in later case we explicitly instantiate it. What really happens in this case is:

`Engine` object (instantiated via `create_engine()`) -> `Connection` object (instantiated via `engine_instance.connect()`) -> `connection.execute({*SQL expression*})`

But is there a global difference between these three ways of performing such task?

At DB layer it's exactly the same thing, all of them are executing SQL (text expression or various SQL expression constructs). From application's point of view there are two options:

  • Direct execution - Using Engine.execute() or Connection.execute()
  • Using sessions - efficiently handles transaction as single unit-of-work, with ease via session.add(), session.rollback(), session.commit(), session.close(). It is the way to interact with the DB in case of ORM i.e. mapped tables. Provides identity_map for instantly getting already accessed or newly created/added objects during a single request.

Session.execute() ultimately uses Connection.execute() statement execution method in order to execute the SQL statement. Using Session object is SQLAlchemy ORM's recommended way for an application to interact with the database.

An excerpt from the docs:

Its important to note that when using the SQLAlchemy ORM, these objects are not generally accessed; instead, the Session object is used as the interface to the database. However, for applications that are built around direct usage of textual SQL statements and/or SQL expression constructs without involvement by the ORM’s higher level management services, the Engine and Connection are king (and queen?) - read on.

Nabeel's answer covers a lot of details and is helpful, but I found it confusing to follow. Since this is currently the first Google result for this issue, adding my understanding of it for future people that find this question:

Running .execute()

As OP and Nabell Ahmed both note, when executing a plain SELECT * FROM tablename, there's no difference in the result provided.

The differences between these three objects do become important depending on the context that the SELECT statement is used in or, more commonly, when you want to do other things like INSERT, DELETE, etc.

When to use Engine, Connection, Session generally

  • Engine is the lowest level object used by SQLAlchemy. It maintains a pool of connections available for use whenever the application needs to talk to the database. .execute() is a convenience method that first calls conn = engine.connect(close_with_result=True) and the then conn.execute(). The close_with_result parameter means the connection is closed automatically. (I'm slightly paraphrasing the source code, but essentially true). edit: Here's the source code for engine.execute

    You can use engine to execute raw SQL.

    result = engine.execute('SELECT * FROM tablename;')
    #what engine.execute() is doing under the hood
    conn = engine.connect(close_with_result=True)
    result = conn.execute('SELECT * FROM tablename;')
    #after you iterate over the results, the result and connection get closed
    for row in result:
    #or you can explicitly close the result, which also closes the connection

    This is covered in the docs under basic usage.

  • Connection is (as we saw above) the thing that actually does the work of executing a SQL query. You should do this whenever you want greater control over attributes of the connection, when it gets closed, etc. For example, a very import example of this is a Transaction, which lets you decide when to commit your changes to the database. In normal use, changes are autocommitted. With the use of transactions, you could (for example) run several different SQL statements and if something goes wrong with one of them you could undo all the changes at once.

    connection = engine.connect()
    trans = connection.begin()
        connection.execute("INSERT INTO films VALUES ('Comedy', '82 minutes');")
        connection.execute("INSERT INTO datalog VALUES ('added a comedy');")

    This would let you undo both changes if one failed, like if you forgot to create the datalog table.

    So if you're executing raw SQL code and need control, use connections

  • Sessions are used for the Object Relationship Management (ORM) aspect of SQLAlchemy (in fact you can see this from how they're imported: from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker). They use connections and transactions under the hood to run their automatically-generated SQL statements. .execute() is a convenience function that passes through to whatever the session is bound to (usually an engine, but can be a connection).

    If you're using the ORM functionality, use session; if you're only doing straight SQL queries not bound to objects, you're probably better off using connections directly.

Here is an example of running DCL (Data Control Language) such as GRANT

def grantAccess(db, tb, user):
  import sqlalchemy as SA
  import psycopg2

  url = "{d}+{driver}://{u}:{p}@{h}:{port}/{db}".\
  engine = SA.create_engine(url)
  cnn = engine.connect()
  trans = cnn.begin()
  strSQL = "GRANT SELECT on table " + tb + " to " + user + " ;"