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How to do a recursive sub-folder search and return files in a list?

People also ask

How do I get a list of folders and subfolders with the files?

Substitute dir /A:D. /B /S > FolderList. txt to produce a list of all folders and all subfolders of the directory.

How can I get a list of all the subfolders and files present in a directory using PHP?

PHP using scandir() to find folders in a directory The scandir function is an inbuilt function that returns an array of files and directories of a specific directory. It lists the files and directories present inside the path specified by the user.

How do I list files in a subdirectory?

The dir command displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. With the /S option, it recurses subdirectories and lists their contents as well. Options listed below may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable.

How can I list subdirectories recursively?

Linux recursive directory listing using ls -R command. The -R option passed to the ls command to list subdirectories recursively.

You should be using the dirpath which you call root. The dirnames are supplied so you can prune it if there are folders that you don't wish os.walk to recurse into.

import os
result = [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(PATH) for f in filenames if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.txt']


After the latest downvote, it occurred to me that glob is a better tool for selecting by extension.

import os
from glob import glob
result = [y for x in os.walk(PATH) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt'))]

Also a generator version

from itertools import chain
result = (chain.from_iterable(glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt')) for x in os.walk('.')))

Edit2 for Python 3.4+

from pathlib import Path
result = list(Path(".").rglob("*.[tT][xX][tT]"))

Changed in Python 3.5: Support for recursive globs using “**”.

glob.glob() got a new recursive parameter.

If you want to get every .txt file under my_path (recursively including subdirs):

import glob

files = glob.glob(my_path + '/**/*.txt', recursive=True)

# my_path/     the dir
# **/       every file and dir under my_path
# *.txt     every file that ends with '.txt'

If you need an iterator you can use iglob as an alternative:

for file in glob.iglob(my_path, recursive=True):
    # ...

This seems to be the fastest solution I could come up with, and is faster than os.walk and a lot faster than any glob solution.

  • It will also give you a list of all nested subfolders at basically no cost.
  • You can search for several different extensions.
  • You can also choose to return either full paths or just the names for the files by changing f.path to f.name (do not change it for subfolders!).

Args: dir: str, ext: list.
Function returns two lists: subfolders, files.

See below for a detailed speed anaylsis.

def run_fast_scandir(dir, ext):    # dir: str, ext: list
    subfolders, files = [], []

    for f in os.scandir(dir):
        if f.is_dir():
        if f.is_file():
            if os.path.splitext(f.name)[1].lower() in ext:

    for dir in list(subfolders):
        sf, f = run_fast_scandir(dir, ext)
    return subfolders, files

subfolders, files = run_fast_scandir(folder, [".jpg"])

In case you need the file size, you can also create a sizes list and add f.stat().st_size like this for a display of MiB:

sizes.append(f"{f.stat().st_size/1024/1024:.0f} MiB")

Speed analysis

for various methods to get all files with a specific file extension inside all subfolders and the main folder.


  • fast_scandir clearly wins and is twice as fast as all other solutions, except os.walk.
  • os.walk is second place slighly slower.
  • using glob will greatly slow down the process.
  • None of the results use natural sorting. This means results will be sorted like this: 1, 10, 2. To get natural sorting (1, 2, 10), please have a look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/48030307/2441026

fast_scandir    took  499 ms. Found files: 16596. Found subfolders: 439
os.walk         took  589 ms. Found files: 16596
find_files      took  919 ms. Found files: 16596
glob.iglob      took  998 ms. Found files: 16596
glob.glob       took 1002 ms. Found files: 16596
pathlib.rglob   took 1041 ms. Found files: 16596
os.walk-glob    took 1043 ms. Found files: 16596

Tests were done with W7x64, Python 3.8.1, 20 runs. 16596 files in 439 (partially nested) subfolders.
find_files is from https://stackoverflow.com/a/45646357/2441026 and lets you search for several extensions.
fast_scandir was written by myself and will also return a list of subfolders. You can give it a list of extensions to search for (I tested a list with one entry to a simple if ... == ".jpg" and there was no significant difference).

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python 3

import time
import os
from glob import glob, iglob
from pathlib import Path

directory = r"<folder>"
RUNS = 20

def run_os_walk():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(directory) for f in filenames if
                  os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() == '.jpg']
    print(f"os.walk\t\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")

def run_os_walk_glob():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = [y for x in os.walk(directory) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.jpg'))]
    print(f"os.walk-glob\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")

def run_glob():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = glob(os.path.join(directory, '**', '*.jpg'), recursive=True)
    print(f"glob.glob\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")

def run_iglob():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = list(iglob(os.path.join(directory, '**', '*.jpg'), recursive=True))
    print(f"glob.iglob\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")

def run_pathlib_rglob():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = list(Path(directory).rglob("*.jpg"))
    print(f"pathlib.rglob\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")

def find_files(files, dirs=[], extensions=[]):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/45646357/2441026

    new_dirs = []
    for d in dirs:
            new_dirs += [ os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d) ]
        except OSError:
            if os.path.splitext(d)[1].lower() in extensions:

    if new_dirs:
        find_files(files, new_dirs, extensions )

def run_fast_scandir(dir, ext):    # dir: str, ext: list
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/59803793/2441026

    subfolders, files = [], []

    for f in os.scandir(dir):
        if f.is_dir():
        if f.is_file():
            if os.path.splitext(f.name)[1].lower() in ext:

    for dir in list(subfolders):
        sf, f = run_fast_scandir(dir, ext)
    return subfolders, files

if __name__ == '__main__':

    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        files = []
        find_files(files, dirs=[directory], extensions=[".jpg"])
    print(f"find_files\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(files)}")

    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        subf, files = run_fast_scandir(directory, [".jpg"])
    print(f"fast_scandir\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(files)}. Found subfolders: {len(subf)}")

I will translate John La Rooy's list comprehension to nested for's, just in case anyone else has trouble understanding it.

result = [y for x in os.walk(PATH) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt'))]

Should be equivalent to:

import glob
import os

result = []

for x in os.walk(PATH):
    for y in glob.glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt')):

Here's the documentation for list comprehension and the functions os.walk and glob.glob.