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SQLAlchemy - "Dynamic Filter"

I have just started using SQLAlchemy. I decided to use it because I was using a lot of string expression in the middle of my sqlite queries.

So, that is my problem. I have a table with many equipment and each of them has dates for level of maintanance. The point is that the user can select the maintance level he wants to see on the screen. So, I should "adjust" my SQLAlchemmy for each combination of maintanance level he's chosen.

For exemple, in the raw SQLite.

SELECT * WHERE (equipment IN []) AND m_level1 = DATE AND m_level2 = DATE ....)

So, it is possible to have many combination for each if condition, it depends which checkboxes are checked. As I mentioned, in the raw SQL I used a lot of string to reach my goal. But I want to improve the code using SQLAlchemy.

Sorry I do not have the code now ! Thank you all !

like image 788
Lorenzo Simonassi Avatar asked May 20 '16 01:05

Lorenzo Simonassi

4 Answers

I assume you are using the ORM.

in that case, the filter function returns a query object. You can conditionaly build the query by doing something like

query = Session.query(schema.Object).filter_by(attribute=value)
if condition:
    query = query.filter_by(condition_attr=condition_val)
if another_condition:
    query = query.filter_by(another=another_val)

#then finally execute it

results = query.all()
like image 105
Busturdust Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10


The function filter(*criterion) means you can use tuple as it's argument, @Wolph has detail here: SQLALchemy dynamic filter_by for detail

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chenxin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10


if we speak of SQLAlchemy core, there is another way:

from sqlalchemy import and_

filters = [table.c.col1 == filter1, table.c.col2 > filter2]
query = table.select().where(and_(*filters))

If you're trying to filter based on incoming form criteria:

form = request.form.to_dict()
filters = []
for col in form:
    sqlalchemybinaryexpression = (getattr(MODEL, col) == form[col])
query = table.select().where(and_(*filters))

Where MODEL is your SQLAlchemy Model

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igolkotek Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10


Another resolution to this question, this case is raised in a more secure way, since it verifies if the field to be filtered exists in the model.

To add operators to the value to which you want to filter. And not having to add a new parameter to the query, we can add an operator before the value e.g ?foo=>1, '?foo=<1,?foo=>=1, ?foo=<=1 ', ?foo=!1,?foo=1, and finally between which would be like this `?foo=a, b'.

from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
import re

# input parameters
filter_by = {
  "column1": "!1", # not equal to
  "column2": "1",   # equal to
  "column3": ">1",  # great to. etc...

def computed_operator(column, v):
  if re.match(r"^!", v):
    val = re.sub(r"!", "", v)
    return column.__ne__(val)
  if re.match(r">(?!=)", v):
    val = re.sub(r">(?!=)", "", v)
    return column.__gt__(val)
  if re.match(r"<(?!=)", v):
    val = re.sub(r"<(?!=)", "", v)
    return column.__lt__(val)
  if re.match(r">=", v):
    val = re.sub(r">=", "", v)
    return column.__ge__(val)
  if re.match(r"<=", v):
    val = re.sub(r"<=", "", v)
    return column.__le__(val)
  if re.match(r"(\w*),(\w*)", v):
    a, b = re.split(r",", v)
    return column.between(a, b)
  """ default __eq__ """
  return column.__eq__(v)

query = Table.query
filters = []
for k, v in filter_by.items():
  mapper = class_mapper(Table)
  if not hasattr(mapper.columns, k):
  filters.append(computed_operator(mapper.columns[k], "{}".format(v))
query = query.filter(*filters)
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frfernandezdev Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 17:10
