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SQLAlchemy case insensitive IN based search query?

How do I do a case insensitive IN search in the SQLAclhemy ORM in a way that is secure?

Both myself and others on my project have looked for this, but we cant seem to find anything that fits our needs.

In raw SQL I could do:


..if FOO and BAR were not user input in unknown case. As it is, I am worried about the following:

  1. Security: I don't want a visit from Bobby Tables (http://xkcd.com/327/) in the form of an SQL INjection Attack.and I cant find the documentation that tells me how to escape strings in SQLAlchemy or I would feel safer joining strings (But still feel dirty doing it).
  2. Speed is handled largely by indexing but obviously, doing case corrections in RAM before issuing the query would be faster than telling the DB to do it, so I would not do the UPPER in the query unless I really had to. The above was however the best way to show what I want to do. But sti;;, it shouldn't do anything crazy.
  3. Platform agnostic code. I will be running this on multiple database types - and its going to be fully tested is I have any say on the matter - and I don't want the query to be bound to a specific dialog of SQL. That is, after all, why I am using SQLAlchemy. :)

If it helps we are currently bound to the 8.4 version of SQLAlchemy due to our use of other libraries.

like image 535
honestduane Avatar asked Feb 07 '14 23:02


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If you want to view your data in a more schema-centric view (as used in SQL), use Core. If you have data for which business objects are not needed, use Core. If you view your data as business objects, use ORM. If you are building a quick prototype, use ORM.

How does the querying work with SQLAlchemy?

All SELECT statements generated by SQLAlchemy ORM are constructed by Query object. It provides a generative interface, hence successive calls return a new Query object, a copy of the former with additional criteria and options associated with it.

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1 Answers

This should compile exactly...

query( models.Object )\
     sqlalchemy.func.upper( models.Object.fieldname )\
     .in_( (sqlalchemy.func.upper(foo) , sqlalchemy.func.upper(bar), ) )

  1. you could also just pass in uppercase text. personally, i would do in_( foo.uppercase() , bar.uppercase() )

  2. SqlAlchemy works with the DBAPI to pass bind parameters into your backend datastore. Translation -- values are automatically escaped.

if you want to do a list of strings , something like this should work

.in_( [ i.upper() for i in inputs ] )
.in_( [ sqlalchemy.func.upper(i) for i in inputs ] )

Just want to add that if you want to optimize these selects for speed, and are on Postgres or Oracle, you can create a 'function index'

CREATE INDEX table_fieldname_lower_idx ON table(lower(fieldname))

the query planner (in the database) will know to use that lower(fieldname) index when searching against a lower(fieldname) query.

like image 74
Jonathan Vanasco Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11

Jonathan Vanasco