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sql update table set - The multi-part identifier could not be bound

I have 2 tables:

  • Table1 = names of gas stations (in pairs)
  • Table2 = has co-ordinate information (longitude and latitude amongst other things)

Example of Table1:

StationID1  StationID2  Name1   Name2   Lattitude1  Longitude1  Lattitude2  Longitude2  Distance
93353477    52452   FOO     BAR     NULL        NULL        NULL    NULL    NULL
93353527    52452   HENRY   BENNY   NULL        NULL        NULL    NULL    NULL
93353551    52452   GALE    SAM     NULL        NULL        NULL    NULL    NULL

Example of Table2:

IDInfo     Name  Lattitude    Longitude
93353477   BAR   37.929654    -87.029622

I want to update this table with the coordinate information which resides in tableA. I tried to do the following as per SQL Server 2005: The multi-part identifier … could not be bound

update table1
set t1.[Lattitude1] = t2.[Lattitude]
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2 
on (t1.StationID1 = t2.IDInfo)

I get the following error message:

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "t1.Lattitude1" could not be bound.

However, if I do the following it works which I can then store into another table.

SELECT t1.[StationID1]
        ,t2.[Lattitude] AS [Lattitude1]
        ,t2.[Longitude] AS [Longitude1]
        ,t3.[Lattitude] AS [Lattitude2]
        ,t3.[Longitude] AS [Longitude2]
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2 
on (t1.StationID1 = t2.IDInfo)
left join table2 t3 
on (t1.StationID2 = t2.IDInfo)

I am very new to SQL and am having a difficult time understanding why some things work and others don't. Based on the link I posted above my initial query should have worked - no? Perhaps I'm not thinking straight as I have spent many hours trying this and I finally got help from a co-worker (she suggested the approach I mention above).

like image 364
codingknob Avatar asked Feb 07 '13 01:02


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A multipart identifier is any description of a field or table that contains multiple parts - for instance MyTable. SomeRow - if it can't be bound that means there's something wrong with it - either you've got a simple typo, or a confusion between table and column.

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2 Answers

I think you can modify your UPDATE statement to reference the table alias in the UPDATE line.

update t1
set t1.[Lattitude1] = t2.[Lattitude]
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2 
on (t1.StationID1 = t2.IDInfo)
like image 118
bobs Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10


You need to change the inner table and give a different allias to the columns that are similar. This should work.

update table1
set [Lattitude1] = x.[lat]
    SELECT IDInfo [id], Lattitude [lat] FROM 
) x
StationID1 = x.[id]

In your particular case its not necessary to rename Lattitude to lat, but if you end up updating a table with itself and force yourself into giving the columns different names, it will save you headaches down the road.

like image 1
cgatian Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10
