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SQL Update query to update xml in records based on xml node value?




I have a column of ntext data type and NOT XML. It stores all xml data. I need to update xml node in the records. It throws an error saying "Incorrect use of the xml data type method 'modify'. A non-mutator method is expected in this context."

begin transaction
declare @Cps_Id int;
set @Cps_Id = 236;
declare @Cps_Message nvarchar(1024);
set @Cps_Message = 'updating cpsia message with smoking'; 

update table_name
set column_name =  CONVERT(xml,column_name).modify('replace value of (/root/ProductInformation/CPSIA/CpsiaDetails/Item[CpsiaId=sql:variable("@Cps_Id")]/CpsiaMessage/text())[1] with sql:variable("@Cps_Message")') 
WHERE Convert(xml,column_name).exist('/root/ProductInformation/CPSIA/CpsiaDetails/Item[CpsiaId=sql:variable("@Cps_Id")]')=1 


Sample XML:

    <Name> Truck with Battery Charger</Name>
          <CpsiaMessage>to health</CpsiaMessage>
like image 227
DotNetDeveloper Avatar asked May 10 '11 18:05


1 Answers

You need to use the modify method on the XML data type.

begin transaction
declare @Cps_Id int;
set @Cps_Id = 236;
declare @Cps_Message nvarchar(1024);
set @Cps_Message = 'updating cpsia message with smoking'; 

select id, CONVERT(xml,[text]) txt into #tmp from SO5954359

select * from #tmp

update #tmp
set txt.modify('replace value of (/root/ProductInformation/CPSIA/CpsiaDetails/Item[CpsiaId=sql:variable("@Cps_Id")]/CpsiaMessage/text())[1] with sql:variable("@Cps_Message")') 

select * from #tmp

drop table #tmp

You could then update the original table by joining the updated temporary table to the original table on the key.

like image 135
Duncan Howe Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10

Duncan Howe