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SQL Database for SQL practise [closed]




For some time now I'm looking for sample (relational) databases (.SQL) so I can import it to my local MySQL server and play with some some SQL queries. Anyone know source, or can share exemplary database?

like image 411
PsychoX Avatar asked Apr 06 '11 14:04


People also ask

Where I can practice SQL for free?

If you're learning SQL for the first time, you've probably dabbled with at least one of the following resources: codeacademy, datacamp, and khan academy. Each of these websites provides an interactive, hands-on method for beginners to learn SQL. These are great, free resources and you absolutely should use them.

What happens when database is closed?

Closing a database causes it to become unusable until it is opened again. It is recommended that you close any open cursors before closing your database. Active cursors during a database close can cause unexpected results, especially if any of those cursors are writing to the database.

1 Answers

For example:


Sakila, download page for sakila and others


for World database, see download page above.

like image 183
Ekkehard.Horner Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10
