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SQL table with a single row? [closed]


What is the point (if any) in having a table in a database with only one row?

Note: I'm not talking about the possibility of having only one row in a table, but when a developer deliberately makes a table that is intended to always have exactly one row.


The sales tax example is a good one.

I've just observed in some code I'm reviewing three different tables that contain three different kinds of certificates (a la SSL), each having exactly one row. I don't understand why this isn't made into one large table; I assume I'm missing something.

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Jeremy Powell Avatar asked Jul 30 '09 18:07

Jeremy Powell

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1 Answers

For some things you only need one row - typically system configuration data. For example, "current sales tax rate". This might change in the future and so shouldn't be hardcoded, but you'll typically only ever need one at any given time. This kind of data needs to be in the database so that queries can use it in computations.

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Vinay Sajip Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Vinay Sajip