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jquery get all values from table column


I'm looking for a way to populate a select box with unique values from a table column using jQuery. So far my attempts have been futile but I am relatively new to front end development so I'm hoping someone can show me the light.


like image 758
Fishcake Avatar asked Aug 06 '09 09:08


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1 Answers

This should get you started. Note that I use the cell contents for both the value and the text of the option. You may need to change this but it is unclear from the question.

var items=[], options=[];  //Iterate all td's in second column $('#tableId tbody tr td:nth-child(2)').each( function(){    //add item to array    items.push( $(this).text() );        });  //restrict array to unique items var items = $.unique( items );  //iterate unique array and build array of select options $.each( items, function(i, item){     options.push('<option value="' + item + '">' + item + '</option>'); })  //finally empty the select and append the items from the array $('#selectId').empty().append( options.join() ); 
like image 78
redsquare Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
