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Sql Stored Procedure while loop

Example of Data:

ID  Name       ParentID
1   parent-1   NULL
2   parent-2   NULL
3   sub        1
4   child-1-1  3
5   child-1-2  1
6   child-2-1  2

Now If I search for Name like '%child-1%', I want the following records: Row-1, Row-3, Row-4 and row-5 in above data. What kind if stored procedure can I write that returns me disctinct rows?

My Idea is If I search for a text, it will continue selecting the records from the table until the parentID is null. So If I do a like search for 'child-1', a basic sql query returns Row-4 and Row-5. But my procedure shud check in a loop that Row-4 has parentid which is not null, so it gets a row with ID= parentid of row-4 which is 3. Now it gets a row with ID = parentid of row-3 which is 1 and gets row-1. Now parentd of row-1 is NULL so it stops.

I am using this stored procedure to implement a search functionality in tree view in which I want to keep the parent-child hierarchy after search.

so far I have tried this but I am new to stored procedures:

USE DBname
DECLARE @ParentID int
Declare @myresultset Cursor
Set @myresultset = CURSOR for Select ParentID from mytable where Name like 'child-1%'
OPEN @myresultset 
Fetch NEXT from @myresultset
into @ParentID
While @@Fetch_Status=0
 While @ParentID is not NULL
    Select @ParentID = ParentID from mytable where ID=@ParentID
    Select distinct * from mytable where ID=@ParentID
 Fetch Next from @myresultset
 into @ParentID
close @myresultset
like image 371
Naupad Doshi Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 23:04

Naupad Doshi

People also ask

Do WHILE loop in SQL procedure?

A WHILE loop is a control flow statement used to repeatedly execute the set of statements until the specified condition is satisfied. This loop begins with a given condition, evaluate it, and if it is TRUE, the statements will go inside the loop for further execution. If the condition becomes FALSE, it will not run.

Can we use WHILE loop in a stored procedure SQL Server?

The WHILE statement defines a set of statements to be executed until a condition that is evaluated at the beginning of the WHILE loop is false. The while-loop-condition (an expression) is evaluated before each iteration of the loop.

How do you loop a procedure?

The LOOP statement is a special type of looping statement, because it has no terminating condition clause. It defines a series of statements that are executed repeatedly until another piece of logic, generally a transfer of control statement, forces the flow of control to jump to some point outside of the loop.

1 Answers

Instead of coding this using procedural code, I recoded this using set oriented SQL. I am using a recursive CTE to find the "parents" of the given children. Here is my stored procedure:

CREATE PROC find_parents (@childname varchar(20)) as

;WITH heirarchy_cte (ID, Name, ParentID, Level) as
(SELECT e.ID, e.Name, e.ParentID, 0 as Level
    FROM mytable as e
    where e.Name like @childname
SELECT e.ID, e.Name, e.ParentID, Level+1
    FROM mytable as e
    INNER JOIN heirarchy_cte as h
    ON h.ParentID=e.ID
FROM heirarchy_cte

I then run it with:

exec find_parents @childname='child-1%'

If my results are correct, then this solution should scale better for a larger quantity of data. I also coded it as a stored procedure as you had indicated.

To see the full code, please see the SQL Fiddle at: Find Parents SQL Fiddle Demo

If my solution is correct, please mark it as the answer. Thanks.

like image 177
Michael Harmon Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Michael Harmon