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SQL statement to remove part of a string [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
str_replace in SQL UPDATE?
How to remove part of string in mysql?
SQL Find & Replace part of a string

I have a database table with a list of website urls e.g. http://website.com/ and I want to remove all the http:// and https:// from them. Is their a simple SQL statement I could run on a column to remove it?

I've had a search around, but I can't find what I need. I'm presuming I need to use both REPLACE and UPDATE but I'm struggling.

So far I have:

SET    website
WHERE  website LIKE 'http://%';

Is that correct? I'm using MySQL and the table is list, and column is website and I want to remove the http:// so a url like: http://website.com/ becomes just: website.com

EDIT: Is it also possible to remove a trailing slash as well?

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Cameron Avatar asked Aug 19 '12 21:08


1 Answers

Have a look at the REPLACE function. You'll need to use it twice to remove both http and https.

UPDATE    list
SET       website = REPLACE(REPLACE(website, 'https://', ''), 'http://', '')
WHERE     website like 'https://%' 
  OR      website like 'http://%'

To handle trailing slashes, you can use the RIGHT, LEFT, and LENGTH functions.

UPDATE    list
SET       website = LEFT(website, LENGTH(website) - 1)
WHERE     RIGHT(website, 1) = '/'

Here is some documentation that you may find useful: MySQL string functions

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Jeremy Wiggins Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09

Jeremy Wiggins