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How to override tab width in qt?


I just need to know how to change the tab size in Qt in a QTextEdit. My Google and stackoverflow search returned me null. Thanks in advance.

like image 878
Barış Akkurt Avatar asked Oct 23 '12 09:10

Barış Akkurt

1 Answers

If you want to create a source code editor using QTextEdit, you should first assign a fixed-width (monospace) font. This ensures that all characters have the same width:

QFont font;

QTextEdit* editor = new QTextEdit();

If you want to set a tab width to certain amount of spaces, as it is typically done in text editors, use QFontMetrics to compute the size of one space in pixels:

const int tabStop = 4;  // 4 characters

QFontMetrics metrics(font);
editor->setTabStopWidth(tabStop * metrics.width(' '));
like image 75
Ferdinand Beyer Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10

Ferdinand Beyer