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SQL Server Update Group by

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As of my knowledge, No you can not directly use GROUP by as you can not use aggregate functions in an UPDATE query.

Can we use aggregate functions in UPDATE statement?

An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement. But SQL doesn't always agree that it should be simple. Let's setup a contrived example using a data set of Airport Gate information from San Francisco Airport. I have 1 table which has all of the times a Gate has been used at the airport.

Can you UPDATE data in two base tables of a view with a single UPDATE statement?

Updating a View The UPDATE statement can only reference columns from one base table. This means it's not possible to update multiple tables at once using a single UPDATE statement.


;with counts 
    SELECT total, COUNT(*) as dos
    FROM temp_table2010 
    WHERE total in (select id from #temp)
SET dos=counts.dos
FROM #temp T 
INNER JOIN counts 
    ON t.id = counts.total 

In SQL Server you can do aggregation in an update query you just have to do it in a subquery and then join it on the table you want to update.

UPDATE  #temp
SET     Dos = Cnt
FROM    #temp 
    INNER JOIN (SELECT Total, COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM Temp_Table2010 GROUP BY Total) AS s
        ON Id = s.Total 

Doing this:

WHERE total in (select id from #temp)

And then:

 INNER JOIN counts 
    ON t.id = counts.total 

Is redundant.

The join solves the "total in (...)" requirement. Group on the key and then join.

You can't use an aggregate in an UPDATE query, for starters - though you didn't include the error message in your original question, I suspect that's what it's telling you.

You'll need to calculate the aggregate before your update and store the results in a temp table, and then join to that table to do your update.