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SQL Server Transaction Log Explorer/Analyzer [closed]



What options are available for rolling back transactions after the fact in SQL Server?

I'm looking to have a plan in place before somebody deletes 10,000 of the wrong rows.

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El Mark Avatar asked Sep 24 '10 17:09

El Mark

1 Answers

  • RedGate SQL Log rescue (Sorry, SQL Server 2000 only. News to me)
  • Apex SQL Log

I'm sure there used to be more. Back when I was a prod DBA I couldn't get through a week without some irritating Sales muppet trying to flog me a GUI or tool.

I would also suggest you take regular backups with FULL recovery. A 10k rows update may have subsequent changes that will invalidate any rollback.

FWIW, I've never seen the need for one. No-one can delete 10k rows in my DB anyway unless it's designed that way: why would I allow someone to run DELETE directly?

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gbn Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 18:11
