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SQL Server : table with foreign key to itself with cascade delete

I need a table table to hold hierarchy tree data (i.e. continents, countries, cities) like this

id  name    parent
1   world   null
2   Europe  1
3   Asia    1
4   France  2
5   Paris   4
6   Lyon    4

I want to delete France and would expect the table to cascade delete all French cities. But when I create the table like this

create table locations 
    id int identity(1, 1),
    name varchar(255) not null,
    parent_id int,

    constraint pk__locations
        primary key clustered (id),

    constraint fk__locations
        foreign key (parent_id) 
            references locations (id)
                on delete cascade
                on update no action 

I got an error

Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'fk__locations' on table 'locations' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.

Info says

  1. to specify ON DELETE NO ACTION - that is exactly what do not I want
  2. to specify ON UPDATE NO ACTION - specified
  3. modify other FOREIGN KEY constraint - I don't understand this one

Can anyone help?

like image 824
user3365784 Avatar asked Aug 16 '16 14:08


People also ask

How does foreign key on delete cascade work?

A foreign key with cascade delete means that if a record in the parent table is deleted, then the corresponding records in the child table will automatically be deleted. This is called a cascade delete in SQLite. A foreign key with a cascade delete can only be defined in a CREATE TABLE statement.

What if I delete a row containing a foreign key to another table?

Table student_exam has foreign key student_id referencing student_id in student_details table. Here, ON DELETE CASCADE is added because when any row is deleted in one table the same gets deleted in the foreign referenced tables that are referencing the primary key in that table.

Which clause is used while creation of foreign key on delete delete on delete cascade all of the above?

For this foreign key, we have specified the ON DELETE CASCADE clause which tells SQL Server to delete the corresponding records in the child table when the data in the parent table is deleted.

1 Answers

This is not possible. You can solve this with an INSTEAD OF TRIGGER

create table locations 
    id int identity(1, 1),
    name varchar(255) not null,
    parent_id int,

    constraint pk__locations
        primary key clustered (id)


INSERT INTO locations(name,parent_id)  VALUES

--This trigger will use a recursive CTE to get all IDs following all ids you are deleting. These IDs are deleted.

CREATE TRIGGER dbo.DeleteCascadeLocations ON locations
    WITH recCTE AS
        SELECT id,parent_id
        FROM deleted

        UNION ALL

        SELECT nxt.id,nxt.parent_id
        FROM recCTE AS prv
        INNER JOIN locations AS nxt ON nxt.parent_id=prv.id
    DELETE FROM locations WHERE id IN(SELECT id FROM recCTE);

--Test it here, try with different IDs. You can try WHERE id IN(4,3) also...

SELECT * FROM locations;

DELETE FROM locations WHERE id=4;

SELECT * FROM locations

--Clean-Up (Carefull with real data!)

if exists(select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME='locations')
---DROP TABLE locations;
like image 175
Shnugo Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10
