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millisecond in sql tsql

    CAST(‘2015-01-01 14:48:34.69 AS DATETIME) FirstVal,
    CAST(‘2015-01-01 14:48:34:69 AS DATETIME) SecondVal

When we look at the answer, there is a difference between the milliseconds part in the result set, whereas you can notice that in the SELECT statement I have specified different milliseconds part. The question is why there is a difference in the millisecond part even though I have different value selected?

enter image description here

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George Avatar asked Nov 18 '15 04:11


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1 Answers

DATETIME has an accuracy of 3.33ms - you will never see a value with a .069 stored in a DATETIME - you only ever get .xx0, .xx3 and .xx7.

If you need millisecond precision, use DATETIME2(3) (introduced in SQL Server 2008) as your datatype instead.

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marc_s Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
