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SQL Server - Select most recent records from a group of similar records




-- Scroll down for an edit that I added --

So here's my scenario. I have a table that has an entry for every time someone makes a change to some data. The reason for this is that we need to be able to audit all the changes.

However, I only want to retrieve the latest record for a series of edits a user has made.

So let's say there are three users, user A, B and C.

User A makes 10 changes (10 entries in the table). User B makes 5 changes User A makes 3 more changes User C makes 2 changes

What I want to get back is: Most recent of the 2 records that C created Most recent of the 3 records that A created Most recent of the 5 records that B created Most recent of the 10 records that A created

For a total of 4 rows that I get back

Here's what I tried, but the problem is that the RowNum doesn't go back to 1 when the LastUpdatedBy changes:

WITH cte AS 
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [LastUpdatedBy] ORDER BY [LastUpdatedOn] DESC) [RowNum]
    FROM [HistoricalTable] 
FROM cte
--WHERE RowNum = 1 
ORDER BY [LastUpdatedOn] DESC;

And here's the output I get (** asterisks represent the rows I want back)

LastUpdatedOn   LastUpdatedBy   RowNum
**2011-06-07 13:07:26.917   629 1**
2011-06-07 12:57:53.700 629 2
2011-06-07 12:57:44.387 629 3
2011-06-07 12:57:34.913 629 4
2011-06-07 12:57:25.040 629 5
2011-06-07 12:57:19.927 629 6
2011-06-07 12:55:17.460 629 7
2011-06-07 12:55:12.287 629 8
2011-06-07 12:30:34.377 629 9
**2011-06-07 11:54:05.727   4   1**
**2011-06-07 11:50:02.723   629 10** (If this number went back to 1, my query would have worked fine)
2011-06-07 11:26:43.053 629 11
2011-06-07 10:54:32.867 629 12
2011-06-07 10:46:32.107 629 13
2011-06-07 10:40:52.937 629 14
**2011-06-07 10:39:50.880   3   1**

------------------- EDIT --------------------

So I came up with a solution, but it's not very elegant and not sure if I like it, but it does the trick. This might give you a better understanding of what I'm trying to accomplish.

DECLARE @temp AS TABLE(LastUpdatedOn datetime, LastUpdatedBy int null, RowNum int);

DECLARE @newTable AS TABLE(LastUpdatedOn datetime, LastUpdatedBy int null);

DECLARE @lastUserId int = 0;

    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [LastUpdatedOn] DESC) [RowNum]
    FROM [HistoricalTable] 

DECLARE @totalRecords int;
SELECT @totalRecords = COUNT(*) FROM @temp;
DECLARE @counter int = 0;
WHILE @counter <= @totalRecords BEGIN
    SET @counter = @counter + 1;

    INSERT INTO @newTable
    SELECT LastUpdatedOn, LastUpdatedBy
    FROM @temp 
    WHERE RowNum = @counter AND (@lastUserId != LastUpdatedBy OR (LastUpdatedBy IS NULL));

    SELECT @lastUserId = LastUpdatedBy  FROM @temp WHERE RowNum = @counter;     

SELECT * FROM @newTable;

And the data that is returned:

LastUpdatedOn   LastUpdatedBy
2011-06-07 13:07:26.917 629
2011-06-07 11:54:05.727 4
2011-06-07 11:50:02.723 629
2011-06-07 10:39:50.880 3
like image 450
Makotosan Avatar asked Jun 07 '11 19:06


People also ask

How do I SELECT the most recent record in SQL?

In SQL Server, we can easily select the last 10 records from a table by using the “SELECT TOP” statement. The TOP clause in SQL Server is used to control the number or percentage of rows from the result. And to select the records from the last, we have to arrange the rows in descending order.

Can we use SELECT * with GROUP BY?

The GROUP BY Clause SQL is used to group rows with same values. The GROUP BY Clause is used together with the SQL SELECT statement. The SELECT statement used in the GROUP BY clause can only be used contain column names, aggregate functions, constants and expressions.

How do I get the last record in a SQL group?

Let's say you want to get last record in each group, that is, for each product. First we use GROUP BY to get most recent date for each group. Now that we know the most recent date for each group, we join this result with our original table to get latest record by date group.

Is distinct faster than GROUP BY?

DISTINCT is used to filter unique records out of all records in the table. It removes the duplicate rows. SELECT DISTINCT will always be the same, or faster than a GROUP BY.

2 Answers

;with cte as
  select *,
    row_number() over(order by LastUpdatedOn) as rn
  from HistoricalTable
select C1.LastUpdatedOn,
from cte as C1
  left outer join cte as C2
    on C1.rn = C2.rn-1
where C1.LastUpdatedBy <> coalesce(C2.LastUpdatedBy, 0)

Creating a row number for each row order by LastUpdatedOn and joining to the next row and comparing if LastUpdatedBy is changed. Beware of this coalesce(C2.LastUpdatedBy, 0). It is to get the last row and the 0 need to be some integer value not used as LastUpdatedBy.

like image 148
Mikael Eriksson Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Mikael Eriksson

Not sure if i'm missing something in your question but doesn't the following SQL answer the problem ?

declare @HistoricalTable table (LastUpdatedOn datetime, LastUpdatedBy int);

insert into @HistoricalTable (LastUpdatedOn, LastUpdatedBy) values 
('2011-06-07 13:07:26.917', 629),('2011-06-07 12:57:53.700', 629),
('2011-06-07 12:57:44.387', 629),('2011-06-07 12:57:34.913', 629),
('2011-06-07 12:57:25.040', 629),('2011-06-07 12:57:19.927', 629),
('2011-06-07 12:55:17.460', 629),('2011-06-07 12:55:12.287', 629),
('2011-06-07 12:30:34.377', 629),('2011-06-07 11:54:05.727', 4),
('2011-06-07 11:50:02.723', 629),('2011-06-07 11:26:43.053', 629),
('2011-06-07 10:54:32.867', 629),('2011-06-07 10:46:32.107', 629),
('2011-06-07 10:40:52.937', 629),('2011-06-07 10:39:50.880', 3);

 select *, rank() over (partition by LastUpdatedBy order by LastUpdatedOn desc) as UpdateRank 
  from @HistoricalTable
) latest
 latest.UpdateRank = 1
order by

LastUpdatedOn           LastUpdatedBy   UpdateRank
2011-06-07 10:39:50.880            3            1
2011-06-07 11:54:05.727            4            1
2011-06-07 13:07:26.917          629            1
like image 26
Jon Black Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Jon Black