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Query performance WHERE clause contains IN (subquery)

SELECT Trade.TradeId, Trade.Type, Trade.Symbol, Trade.TradeDate, 
       SUM(TradeLine.Notional) / 1000 AS Expr1
             TradeLine ON Trade.TradeId = TradeLine.TradeId
WHERE  (TradeLine.Id IN
                      (SELECT     PairOffId
                        FROM          TradeLine AS TradeLine_1
                        WHERE      (TradeDate <= '2011-05-11')
                        GROUP BY PairOffId
                        HAVING      (SUM(Notional) <> 0)))
GROUP BY Trade.TradeId, Trade.Type, Trade.Symbol, Trade.TradeDate
ORDER BY Trade.Type, Trade.TradeDate

I am concerned about the performance of the IN in the WHERE clause when the table starts to grow. Does anyone have a better strategy for this kind of query? The number of records returned by the subquery grows much slower than the number of records in the TradeLine table. The TradeLine table itself grows at a rate of 10/day.

Thank you.

EDIT: I used the idea of moving the subquery from WHERE to FROM. I voted up on all answers that contributed to this new query.

   SELECT Trade.TradeId, Trade.Type, Trade.Symbol, Trade.TradeDate,   
          PairOff.Notional / 1000 AS Expr1
   FROM         Trade INNER JOIN
                  TradeLine ON Trade.TradeId = TradeLine.TradeId INNER JOIN
                      (SELECT     PairOffId, SUM(Notional) AS Notional
                        FROM          TradeLine AS TradeLine_1
                        WHERE      (TradeDate <= '2011-05-11')
                        GROUP BY PairOffId
                   HAVING (SUM(Notional) <> 0)) AS PairOff ON TradeLine.Id = PairOff.PairOffId
   ORDER BY Trade.Type, Trade.TradeDate
like image 424
Candy Chiu Avatar asked May 11 '11 20:05

Candy Chiu

People also ask

Can a subquery contain a WHERE clause?

A subquery can be nested inside the WHERE or HAVING clause of an outer SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , or DELETE statement, or inside another subquery.

Does adding WHERE clause improve performance?

A where clause will generally increase the performance of the database. Generally, it is more expensive to return data and filter in the application. The database can optimize the query, using indexes and partitions. The database may be running in parallel, executing the query in parallel.

Does subquery reduce performance?

A Sub-Query Does Not Hurt Performance.

2 Answers

The subquery in the IN clause does not depend on anything in the outer query. You can safely move it into FROM clause; a sane query plan builder would do it automatically.

Also, calling EXPLAIN PLAN on any query you're going to use in production is a must. Do it and see what the DBMS thinks of the plan for this query.

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9000 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


I'm a fan of temp tables when a sub-query starts returning too large a result set.

So your where clause would just be

Where TradeLine.Id In (Select PairOffId From #tempResults)

and #tempResults would be defined as (warning: syntax is from memory, which means there may be errors)

Select PairOffId Into #tempResults
From TradeLine
Where (TradeDate <= @TradeDate) 
  //I prefer params in case the query becomes a StoredProc
Group By PairOffId
Having (Sum(Notional) <> 0)
like image 25
AllenG Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
