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SQL Server Reset Identity Increment for all tables

Basically I need to reset Identity Increment for all tables to its original. Here I tried some code, but it fails.


Actual code from link:

USE World00_Character GO  -- Create a cursor to loop through the System Ojects and get each table name DECLARE TBL_CURSOR CURSOR -- Declare the SQL Statement to cursor through FOR ( SELECT Name FROM Sysobjects WHERE Type='U' )  -- Declare the @SQL Variable which will hold our dynamic sql DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @SQL = ''; -- Declare the @TblName Variable which will hold the name of the current table DECLARE @TblName NVARCHAR(MAX);  -- Open the Cursor OPEN TBL_CURSOR  -- Setup the Fetch While that will loop through our cursor and set @TblName FETCH NEXT FROM TBL_CURSOR INTO @TblName -- Do this while we are not at the end of the record set WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN -- Appeand this table's select count statement to our sql variable SET @SQL = @SQL + ' ( SELECT '''+@TblName+''' AS Table_Name,COUNT(*) AS Count FROM '+@TblName+' ) UNION';  -- Delete info EXEC('DBCC CHECKIDENT ('+@TblName+',RESEED,(SELECT IDENT_SEED('+@TblName+')))');  -- Pull the next record FETCH NEXT FROM TBL_CURSOR INTO @TblName -- End the Cursor Loop END  -- Close and Clean Up the Cursor CLOSE TBL_CURSOR DEALLOCATE TBL_CURSOR  -- Since we were adding the UNION at the end of each part, the last query will have -- an extra UNION. Lets  trim it off. SET @SQL = LEFT(@SQL,LEN(@SQL)-6);  -- Lets do an Order By. You can pick between Count and Table Name by picking which -- line to execute below. SET @SQL = @SQL + ' ORDER BY Count'; --SET @SQL = @SQL + ' ORDER BY Table_Name';  -- Now that our Dynamic SQL statement is ready, lets execute it. EXEC (@SQL); GO 

Error message:

Error: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near '('. 

How can I either fix that SQL or reset identity for all tables to its original?

like image 261
DanSpd Avatar asked Mar 02 '10 16:03


People also ask

How do I reseed a table in SQL Server?

Execute DBCC CHECKIDENT (table_name, RESEED,new_reseed_value) with new_reseed_value set to a very low value, and then run DBCC CHECKIDENT (table_name, RESEED) to correct the value. All rows are deleted from the table.

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Truncate command reset the identity to its seed value. It requires more transaction log space than the truncate command. It requires less transaction log space than the truncate command. You require Alter table permissions to truncate a table.

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Changing the identity increment value Unfortunately there's no easy way to change the increment value of an identity column. The only way to do so is to drop the identity column and add a new column with the new increment value.

1 Answers

Do you have lots of tables which do not have a seed and increment of 1 ??

If not (by default, all tables have that), use this code:

exec sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = 'DBCC CHECKIDENT(''?'', RESEED, 1)' 

MSforeachtable is an undocumented, but extremely handy stored proc which executes a given command against all tables in your database.

If you need to be absolutely exact, use this statement - it will generate a list of SQL statements to reseed all tables to their original SEED value:


Grab that last column in the output, and execute those statements and you're done! :-)

(inspired by a blog post by Pinal Dave)

like image 124
marc_s Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
