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SQL Server Query Slow from PHP, but FAST from SQL Mgt Studio - WHY?




I have a fast running query (sub 1 sec) when I execute the query in SQL Server Mgt Studio, but when I run the exact same query in PHP (on the same db instace) using FreeTDS v8, mssql_query(), it takes much longer (70+ seconds).

The tables I'm hitting have an index on a date field that I'm using in the Where clause.

Could it be that PHP's mssql functions aren't utilizing the index?

I have also tried putting the query inside a stored procedure, then executing the SP from PHP - the same results in time difference occurs.

I have also tried adding a WITH ( INDEX( .. ) ) clause on the table where that has the date index, but no luck either.

Here's the query:

        1 History,
        h.CUSTNMBR CustNmbr,
        CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), h.ORDRDATE, 120 ) OrdDate,
        h.SOPNUMBE OrdNmbr,
        h.SUBTOTAL OrdTotal,
        h.CSTPONBR PONmbr,
        h.SHIPMTHD Shipper,    
        h.VOIDSTTS VoidStatus,
        h.BACHNUMB  BatchNmbr,
        h.MODIFDT ModifDt

  FROM  SOP30200 h
        WITH (INDEX (AK2SOP30200))
        h.SOPTYPE = 2 AND
        h.DOCDATE >= DATEADD(dd, -61, GETDATE()) AND
        h.VOIDSTTS = 0 AND
        h.MODIFDT = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(dd, -1*@daysAgo, GETDATE()) , 120 )
like image 247
Ray Avatar asked May 22 '10 01:05


1 Answers

what settings are on, usually ARITHABORT is the culprit, it is ON in SSMS but you might be connecting with it off

Run this in SSMS while you are running your query and see what the first column is for the session that is connected from PHP

select arithabort,* from sys.dm_exec_sessions
where session_id > 50
like image 81
SQLMenace Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11
