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OutletORM and phpDataMapper




I've been playing around with two nice php based ORMs. OutletORM and phpDataMapper.

Does anyone have experience with them? Any advantages of one over the other. It's also a good question to ask which one has a bigger user-base.

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Teej Avatar asked Feb 17 '10 02:02


1 Answers

The are both implementations of the Data Mapper pattern.

Whereas phpDataMapper is a more loyal approach to the pattern, I've found it to be a bit too idealistic and strict at times.

OutletORM, on the other hand, is a lot more pragmatic and flexible (doesn't require you to extend any base classes for instance). It is also a more mature project.

Doctrine is a great project but is huge and bloated for most simple uses.

I'd go with Outlet!

like image 172
Alex Weber Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Alex Weber