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SQL Server Index Naming Conventions [closed]

People also ask

How do I name an index in SQL Server?

Using SQL Server Management StudioRight-click the table on which you want to rename an index and select Design. On the Table Designer menu, click Indexes/Keys. Select the index you want to rename in the Selected Primary/Unique Key or Index text box. In the grid, click Name and type a new name into the text box.

What is a non clustered index?

A nonclustered index is an index structure separate from the data stored in a table that reorders one or more selected columns.

What happens to indexes when you rename a table in SQL Server?

No, rename of the table does not cause indexes to rebuild.

I use

PK_ for primary keys

UK_ for unique keys

IX_ for non clustered non unique indexes

UX_ for unique indexes

All of my index name take the form of
<index or key type>_<table name>_<column 1>_<column 2>_<column n>

I usually name indexes by the name of the table and the columns they contain:


Is it worth a special prefix for indices associated with foreign keys? I think so, since it reminds me that indices on foreign keys are not created by default, and so it is easier to see if they are missing.

For this, I am using names that match the name of the foreign key:


or, where multiple foreign keys exist on the same table


I know a old topic but thought I'd throw in my 2cents worth

  • PKC_ Primary Key, Clustered
  • PKNC_ Primary Key, Non Clusterd
  • NCAK_ Non Clustered, Unique
  • CAK_ Clustered, Unique
  • NC_ Non Clustered



Where NCAK : Non Clustered, Unique, AccountHeader : Table and OrganisationID_NextDate : Columns.