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SQL Server Hierarchical Sum of column

I have my database design as per the diagram.

enter image description here

  • Category table is self referencing parent child relationship
  • Budget will have all the categories and amount define for each category
  • Expense table will have entries for categories for which the amount has been spend (consider Total column from this table).

I want to write select statement that will retrieve dataset with columns given below :

TotalAmount (Sum of Amount Column of all children hierarchy From BudgetTable  )   
SumOfExpense (Sum of Total Column of Expense  all children hierarchy from expense table)

I tried to use a CTE but was unable to produce anything useful. Thanks for your help in advance. :)


I just to combine and simplify data I have created one view with the query below.

    dbo.Budget.Id, dbo.Budget.ProjectId, dbo.Budget.CategoryId, 
    dbo.Category.ParentID, dbo.Category.Name, 
    ISNULL(dbo.Expense.Total, 0) AS CostToDate
    dbo.Category ON dbo.Budget.CategoryId = dbo.Category.Id 
    dbo.Expense ON dbo.Category.Id = dbo.Expense.CategoryId

Basically that should produce results like this.

enter image description here

like image 708
Sachin Trivedi Avatar asked Jan 06 '16 05:01

Sachin Trivedi

People also ask

How do you SUM a column SUM in SQL?

If you need to add a group of numbers in your table you can use the SUM function in SQL. This is the basic syntax: SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name; The SELECT statement in SQL tells the computer to get data from the table.

Can we use SUM in order by in SQL?

Discussion: Use ORDER BY if you want to order rows according to a value returned by an aggregate function like SUM() . The ORDER BY operator is followed by the aggregate function (in our example, SUM() ). DESC is placed after this function to specify a descending sort order.

What is #table in SQL?

Tables are database objects that contain all the data in a database. In tables, data is logically organized in a row-and-column format similar to a spreadsheet. Each row represents a unique record, and each column represents a field in the record.

How do I find the hierarchy in SQL Server?

Use hierarchyid as a data type to create tables with a hierarchical structure, or to describe the hierarchical structure of data that is stored in another location. Use the hierarchyid functions in Transact-SQL to query and manage hierarchical data.

2 Answers

This is an interesting problem. And I'm going to solve it with a hierarchyid. First, the setup:

USE tempdb;
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Hierarchy') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.[Hierarchy];

CREATE TABLE dbo.Hierarchy 
    ParentID INT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT [FK_parent] FOREIGN KEY ([ParentID]) REFERENCES dbo.Hierarchy([ID]),
    Amount INT NOT null

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Hierarchy]
        ( [ID], [ParentID], [Amount] )
    (1, NULL, 100 ),
    (2, 1, 50),
    (3, 1, 50),
    (4, 2, 58),
    (5, 2, 7),
    (6, 3, 10),
    (7, 3, 20)
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Hierarchy] AS [h];

Next, to update the hid column with a proper value for the hiearchyid. I'll use a bog standard recursive cte for that

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT  [h].[ID] ,
            [h].[ParentID] ,
            CAST('/' + CAST(h.[ID] AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS [h],
    FROM    [dbo].[Hierarchy] AS [h]
    WHERE   [h].[ParentID] IS NULL


    SELECT  [h].[ID] ,
            [h].[ParentID] ,
            CAST([c].[h] + CAST(h.[ID] AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/' AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS [h],
    FROM    [dbo].[Hierarchy] AS [h]
    JOIN    [cte] AS [c]
            ON [h].[ParentID] = [c].[ID]
SET hid = [cte].[h]
FROM cte
JOIN dbo.[Hierarchy] AS [h]
    ON [h].[ID] = [cte].[ID];

Now that the heavy lifting is done, the results you want are almost trivially obtained:

SELECT p.id, SUM([c].[Amount])
FROM dbo.[Hierarchy] AS [p]
JOIN [dbo].[Hierarchy] AS [c]
    ON c.[hid].IsDescendantOf(p.[hid]) = 1
GROUP BY [p].[ID];
like image 92
Ben Thul Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

Ben Thul

After much research and using test data, I was able to get the running totals starting from bottom of hierarchy.

The solution is made up of two steps.

  1. Create a scalar-valued function that will decide whether a categoryId is a direct or indirect child of another categoryId. This is given in first code-snippet. Note that a recursive query is used for this since that is the best approach when dealing with hierarchy in SQL Server.

  2. Write the running total query that will give totals according to your requirements for all categories. You can filter by category if you wanted to on this query. The second code snippet provides this query.

Scalar-valued function that tells if a child category is a direct or indirect child of another category

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.IsADirectOrIndirectChild(
               @childId int, @parentId int)

    DECLARE @isAChild int;
    WITH h(ParentId, ChildId)
    -- CTE name and columns
         AS (
         SELECT TOP 1 @parentId, @parentId
         FROM dbo.Category AS b
         UNION ALL
         SELECT b.ParentId, b.Id AS ChildId
         FROM h AS cte
              INNER JOIN
              Category AS b
              ON b.ParentId = cte.ChildId AND
                 cte.ChildId IS NOT NULL)
         SELECT @isAChild = ISNULL(ChildId, 0)
         FROM h
         WHERE ChildId = @childId AND
               ParentId <> ChildId
         OPTION(MAXRECURSION 32000);
    IF @isAChild > 0
        SET @isAChild = 1;
        SET @isAChild = 0;
    RETURN @isAChild;

Query for running total starting from bottom of hierarchy

SELECT c.Id AS CategoryId, c.Name AS CategoryName,
    SELECT SUM(ISNULL(b.amount, 0))
    FROM dbo.Budget AS b
    WHERE dbo.IsADirectOrIndirectChild( b.CategoryId, c.Id ) = 1 OR
          b.CategoryId = c.Id
) AS totalAmount,
    SELECT SUM(ISNULL(e.total, 0))
    FROM dbo.Expense AS e
    WHERE dbo.IsADirectOrIndirectChild( e.CategoryId, c.Id ) = 1 OR
          e.CategoryId = c.Id
) AS totalCost
FROM dbo.Category AS c;
like image 39
Sunil Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
