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SQL Server diff tool

Working on a team where people are prone to amending dev SQL Server tables and forgetting about it, or preparing a change for deployment and having to wait for that deployment. This leaves our dev and live tables inconsistent, causing problems when SPROCs are pushed live.

Is there a tool whereby I can enter a SPROC name and have it check all tables referenced in it in the dev and live DBs, and notify of any differences?

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AngryWebGuy Avatar asked Aug 05 '09 08:08


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1 Answers

I know two excellent tools for diffing SQL database structures - they don't specifically look inside stored procedures at their text, but they'll show you structural differences in your databases:

  • RedGate SQL Compare
  • ApexSQL's SQL Diff

Redgate also has a SQL Dependency Tracker which visualizes object dependencies and could be quite useful here.


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marc_s Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
