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SQL Server: Computed Column defintions retrievable from Database?

I would like to query the definition of a computed column from the database, but can't find a command that seems to do what I want...

For instance, if a column is defined as:

CallDT AS (CONVERT([datetime],dateadd(second,[StartDate],'01/01/1970'),(0)))

in the DDL, I would like to run a command on the database to retrieve that "AS" statement so I can compare it to its expected value. (I'm developing a SQL parser that will compare an existing database to a DDL definition)...

Is this possible?

like image 620
Rimer Avatar asked Feb 18 '11 22:02


People also ask

Are there any disadvantages of using computed column?

Some Limitations. You can not reference columns from other tables for a computed column expression directly. You can not apply insert or update statements on computed columns.

How do I find all computed columns in SQL Server?

Get a list of computed columns in a SQL Server database. We can use the system function sys. computed_columns and join it with the sys. objects to get a list of available computed columns, their data type, and the column definition (formula).

How do you check if computed column is persisted?

A persisted computed column is one that is physically stored in the table. If you don't specify that it's persisted, then the column's value will be calculated each time you run a query against it. You can query the sys. computed_columns system catalog view to find out whether a computed column is marked as persisted.

What is persisted computed column?

Persisted computed columns It means that SQL Server physically stores the data of the computed columns on disk. When you change data in the table, SQL Server computes the result based on the expression of the computed columns and stores the results in these persisted columns physically.

1 Answers

Try this:

    name, definition    

Should work in SQL Server 2005 and newer.

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marc_s Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
